Ultimate Football Trading VIP – Ben Michaels
Want to learn in-play football trading strategies that will take your trading (and profits) to a whole new level?
Ready to turn your hobby into a profitable money making venture??
Welcome to Ultimate Football Trading. The only football trading course you will ever need.
Have you ever watched a football match and felt you “knew” a goal was coming and then a goal flew in? Or you sat and watched a boring 0-0 and knew nothing was going to happen? Well, this is pretty much the main skill you need to become a profitable football trader.
All you need now is the correct STRATEGIES.
And with recent developments in in-play betting technology, there are literally hundreds of in-play matches all day every day presenting money-making opportunities for the traders. Now you have the chance to discover a portfolio of strategies that will allow you to know how to trade each and every one of them.
This is your chance to join the top % of sports traders who make either a 2nd or full time income from football trading.
Are you ready to join them?
Included today inside Ultimate Football Trading…
- A Portfolio Of Profitable Football Trading Strategies
- Eight Low Risk, High Reward Methods
- Over 6 hours of detailed HD video tutorials
- Over 60 Real Life LIVE trading examples
Sound good so far? Keep reading…
In this course, I am literally giving away EIGHT of my best in-play football trading strategies. These are the strategies that take up the bulk of my portfolio and the same ones I have been using for years and still use daily.
Not only do I teach you the strategy but, for the first time ever, I allow you a unique opportunity to “look over my shoulder” as I execute the trades on real life football matches via the Betfair interface.
For years, the Sports Trading Life community and our VIP members have been saying we should do a live seminar however time and logistics has always been a stumbling block. However, what you are seeing in front of you today is even better than that since you are getting just what you would get by attending a live seminar but in a more convenient medium. You can do this course in your own time from home, at work, in your bedroom or even in the bath! (Yes, some really have watched this in the bath!)
You might be new (or newish) to football trading but I have been there almost since it was first invented and it was hard….
I originally started out trading on Betfair after exhausting all the matched betting offers that were available.
For me they were not enough, I wanted to make MORE money.
I love football and it made sense. However, back in 2004 there was hardly any good learning material out there and there definitely was not any video courses like this available.
So I learned the hard way.
Hundreds of hours of trial and error. Days spent watching the Betfair markets understanding how they move. Sleepless nights reading over statistics that were not even relevant. Years spent moving from one system to the next and ultimately THOUSANDS of pounds wasted before I finally got where I wanted to be.
I did all this and this means that today you do not have to do the same. I wasted THOUSANDS but you don’t have to. You can skip the expensive learning curve by taking a course just like this.
If only this course existed when I started out. It would have saved me so much pain and misery, maybe the exact pain and misery you are going through already?
Anyway, more about the Ultimate Football Trading course itself…
The Ultimate Football Trading Super Course is not like any other football trading course out there….
- THIS course is available in GLORIOUS HD Video.
The best way to learn is visually. So no more old-fashioned ebooks that do not always show the full picture, we show you exactly how it is done before your very eyes. This is like having a live seminar/workshop happening in your very own living room!
- THIS course has real LIVE trading examples
Some courses show you their strategies in “theory” only but we have HOURS of videos showing you how to perform these trades in real time. Every trade was shot live on real in-play matches on Betfair so you can really see the whole process and every angle and outcome is covered. This is a unique opportunity to look over the shoulder of a professional trader and see precisely how it is done. This is PRICELESS!
- THIS course teaches you how to trade ANY match
Some courses tell you to only trade one type of match but the strategies given to you in this course will put you in good stead to be able to research and trade ANY in-play football match. Imagine being able to watch an obscure Chinese Super League match and knowing exactly what to do to make money on it!?
And THIS course allows YOU to make regular profits like this….
The above screenshots have all been sent to us by UFT members who have achieved these profits after using the techniques from the program.
We even have PRO gamblers taking this course to improve their football trading, watch this below video…
Dean is an ex-bookmaker turned pro gambler and also the founder of thebettingguy.co.uk. After hearing about the possibilities of football trading he signed up and hasn’t looked back.
Dean regularly uses the FIREBALL strategy on the Over 1.5 and Over 2.5 market to produce HUGE profits. Just check out the profit he made on the FA Cup final…
And those who come from matched betting have had a great experience with this too….
Scott joined UFT just before the World Cup and since the above video he has grown his initial 1k bank into a 20k bank and counting!
Here is a quick snippet from an email he sent to me…

Jamie had been matched betting for years but was tired of getting his account shut down. After stumbling across Ultimate Football Trading he can now see what the future looks like!
Press play on the above video to take a look inside the super course and see all that you will get once you gain access. It is pretty special as you can see
Market: Over/Under 1.5 Goals
Video Length: 38:33
Discover the best way to trade and win on the Over/Under 1.5 Goals market. A strategy where you should be expecting an 80% strike rate and the chance to pick up lots of regular wins. We show you a unique “drip-backing” formula that will allow you to squeeze extra value out of a pretty tight market. We show you how to do the correct pre-game research to find the right matches for this method, then you also learn what to look for in-play so you can not go wrong!
Market: Over/Under 2.5 Goals
Video Length: 32:01
The BIG daddy of the fireball methods. We show you a more aggressive way to trade the goal markets that can produce average returns of 150% of your stake risked. Once again, you will learn the “drip-backing” formula that has been specifically designed to take advantage of the generous prices that are sometimes available in the goal markets. The live examples in this video also show you how to multiply your profits when things go better than planned.
Market: Under 2.5 Goals
Video Length: 39:53
The secret strategy that many have been waiting for! Many football traders know that you can make profits trading the Under 2.5 Goals market at the start of the match but a goal going can really hurt you. However, by knowing which matches fit the method best and by following the special “drip-trading” formula in this video you should finally have this market cracked!
Market: Under 3.5 Goals
Video Length: 26:44
A TURBO version of the original snowball method. You will discover a particular time of the match to really take advantage of the fast moving prices so you can get in and out of the market with a huge 40 tick swing within minutes! As usual, we show you the “drip-trading” formula that will allow you to minimise risks ad exposure when using this method.
Market: Match Odds
Video Length: 56:50
You will discover a match odds method that is designed to extract EXTRA value on strong favourites that you are expecting to win the match. Of course, we only need them to go a goal ahead to be able to lock in the profits we need. But the SECRET SAUCE is in being able to get better value prices on the favourite in-play, and we show you how in this video. Keep an eye on the live examples in this video to discover NINJA ways of literally doubling your profits when certain opportunities arise.
Market: Match Odds
Video Length: 36:01
A more volatile and aggressive version of the original “reback” method. This strategy is deployed in the second half whenever you fancy a team to take the lead. However, the BIG TWIST with this method is the ability to still make a profit even when things do not go to plan. A GENIUS strategy that will sit well in any football trader’s portfolio!
Market: Match Odds
Video Length: 36:53
You will discover a fresh way of laying the underdog in certain matches. The start of the video will show you what we look for when looking for a team to oppose then we get into the method itself. We show you an aggressive technique to use when things do not go to plan and also how you can still make a profit even if NO goals are scored. Very refreshing when trading football.
Market: Match Odds
Video Length: 30:53
Possibly the best strategy that you will learn on the course due to the low-risk, high reward nature of it. If you can master this method then you are on your way to making BIG profits in the long term. You will discover the special “2-step” drip-laying technique to apply here, the ideal matches to use it on and also what to look for in-play when looking for qualifiers. Match reading is quite essential here but average returns of between 100-200% make it fully worth it!
All strategies are presented
”Top notch videos guys. Mind blowing potential compared to matched betting, sending you screenshots right away!”
Johnny M, Beta tester from West London
Nope. All videos are streamed so if you have any experience with playing a video on Youtube or watching a movie on Netflix then this will be second nature for you. No need to download the videos or any extra software. You can view the course on laptop, desktop, mobile or a tablet. Once you have paid you just login and press play.
In a word, no. We know that not everyone wants to invest in software right away so we have made a point about demonstrating and recording all live trades within the Betfair interface. So all you really need is a Betfair account, some WiFi and a nice cup of tea/coffee/beer.

To make this experience even better for YOU and to reward those who take action. If you sign up today we are giving away access to the below limited time bonuses. This is ONLY for those who sign up today and there are no guarantees these bonuses will be included in the future!
(WORTH £197)
“Make Money While You Sleep”
We know that not everyone has the time to be glued to the screen trading and this exlusive BONUS package will show you just how to take advantage of opportunities that might crop up when you are busy.
Passive Football Profits gives you 4 unique methods that are designed to extract extra value out of the markets and increase the value exponentially when compared to having a straight bet.
For example, using a £100 stake we show you how:
- We made a profit of £110 on Barcelona to win when their starting price was 1.39
- How we made £230 on Man City winning when their starting price was 1.16
- How we made £111 profit on Over 1.5 Goals when the SP was 1.54
- And many, many more similar examples!
Every method in Passive Football Profits is presented in full HD video with a full real life demonstration to follow. Therefore, you can be sure you will see exactly how it is done and not be left in the dark at any point. This bonus is only available exclusively to UFT members and can not be purchased seperately yet. Don’t miss out!
(WORTH £147)
If you have looked on social media you will see there are some guys making HUGE money on the Correct Score market. We managed to track down a handful of traders who were willing to reveal exactly HOW they were doing it.
For the first time ever, you will get a behind the scenes look at how those big profits are made on the Correct Score market and we will show you FOUR methods that they are commonly using.
You will have everything you need to snipe the Correct Score market and start making money right away.
Inside this EXCLUSIVE bonus you will learn:
- The 4 main methods the professionals use.
- The most ideal entry price for correct score sniping
- What to look for in-play
- A mathematical formula to help you find value
- And much more…
Remember, the Correct Score Sniper is not currently available anywhere else. This is an exclusive bonus that will be included today if you sign up.
“Loving the bonuses guys. Feel like I got 3 products for the price of 1. Already doing well with the Correct Score sniping. Easy money now I know what to look for. “
Andy M, plumber from Southampton England
Pay today and you will get LIFETIME access to our members only TV service “Ultimate Football Trading On Demand“. A library full of exclusive football trading videos. Tips, tricks and bonus strategies all included.
We are currently still building up the video library but this will eventually be a £47 per month subscription based product for new members but currently YOU can lock in lifetime access for no extra charge. That is right, sign up today and never have to pay once this goes subscription based.
The videos included inside UFT On Demand will not be available anywhere else and will be added to regularly. This will be the gift that keeps on giving and another great reason why paying today and being an early adopter makes sense.
UFT On Demand now also includes a full case study recording showing Ben trading a round of French football matches direct on the Betfair interface using nothing but the in-play stats. You get to see every decision, every trade, every winner and every loser.
Most importantly, you get to see EXACTLY how it is done and how to approach things.
One thing that always frustrated me when I was buying ebooks and courses was the lack of support that often happened after paying my money. The author/vendor would eventually reply (sometimes after weeks) and offer some sort of vague response to the question I was asking. Most of the time if I sent another question they often never replied at all!
This was something I hated!
So as another exclusive bonus I am currently offering every new member the chance to have not just 30 days but 60 days to ask as many questions as you want surrounding the strategies on the course. This almost makes this a course and a mentoring program thrown in also.
As many questions and emails as you like till you feel your query has been solved. This bonus really is pricess since I usually charge hundreds per hour for one-on-one coaching and this is pretty similar to that.
So be sure to lock in this extra bonus today as I am not sure it is something I can definitely offer all year around or when the member numbers start to increase.
If it sounds like this course is ideal for you then you right now you have 4 options
Option 1 – Do Nothing
Yes, you could walk away from this screen right now and go back to your normal day. But if you do this then will your life be any different tomorrow, next week or next year? Probably not.
Option 2 – Keep Searching
On the other hand, you could ignore this course and keep searching on Google, Youtube or forums for the answers. But this will take you hours and even when you have found something that sounds good, how can you really be sure it is good advice? You will have to put in HOURS of trial and error doing it by yourself. The same hours I spent myself in the beginning.
Option 3 – Take Another (Cheaper) Course
You could close this window and go take a cheaper course. But let me tell you, good courses aren’t cheap and cheap courses aren’t good. In fact, most members end up here after wasting hundreds of pounds on the cheap ebooks and systems and they all tell me they wish they came here first!
Option 4 – Take THIS Course
Now I would say this is the best option ;-).
But honestly, I am not just saying that. If this course sounds like it is suitable for you then this really could be something that changes your life. The best football markets on Betfair have millions matched on them which gives you lots of opportunity to scale as you become more successful. Some are making 6 figures doing this but what if you could make just an extra £1000 per month doing it? This could be extra money that will allow you to take your lady out on an expensive date, have a sunny holiday somewhere exotic or pay towards that dream car. And it is all tax-free.
Most importantly you should take this course because if your life has not improved much in the future you might end kicking yourself. Remember, we only open access every now and then so if you miss out today you could miss out forever!
By the way, our Beta Testers Are Killing It Right Now!
We invited a small amount of members to be beta testers for the course website and to practice with the methods. Here are some of their recent results…
”I have been looking for a football trading strategy that suits me and I think fireball reloaded is the one. I used it earlier on the AC Milan match thinking Milan would score next. In the end it was Atalanta who scored but it didn’t matter, an easy £140 in the bank!”
David G, Sales Manager from Shrewsbury
”I LOVE the fact that you show how to trade pretty much any match. Now I don’t have to arrange my whole day around the big leagues and can trade anything that takes my fancy. Sending you a screenshot to show you I even made some money on the Bahrain-Iraq match yesterday. Love it!!!”
Martin S, freelance physio from Brighton
”OK I said I liked fireball reloaded but it just keeps getting better and better. I used the method and gave myself free bet on Over 2.5 Goals as it looked like there would be more goals to come. Made myself a risk free £166 profit thanks to Mr Harry Kane! Result!”
David G, Sales Manager from Shrewsbury
”Used reback strategy to work up a nice green screen position then could not resist laying Man Utd @ 1.05 in injury time. TRIPLED my profits! What an end to the match!!”
Johnny M, Carpenter West London
Who Is This Course Ideal For?
You Are Ready For The Ultimate Football Trading Super Course If….
You have dabbled with football trading and want to learn more.
This really is ideal for you as you will instantly get the only 8 football trading strategies you will ever need. No more guessing, second guessing and searching around on forums and Google for advice which may or may not be good advice.
You used to do matched betting but want to know how to make MORE money than the limited offers.
Matched betting is great for building a bank and I did it myself, but after a while you will want to earn more money and not rely on bookies offers to keep you going. Use the skills you learned from matched betting to go the next step with football trading.
You have been trying to trade football profitably for years but have not yet been regularly profitable.
We have all been there. Sometimes you are very close to succeeding but you just need that little something to push you over the line. Some of my best students were trading football casually for over 5 years before learning a few extra things and becoming successful traders. This course might give you the “A-ha” moments you have been looking for.
You Are NOT Ready For The Ultimate Football Trading Super Course If….
You do not know what Betfair Trading is.
If this is the case go to Youtube and learn the basics. Once you have a good grasp then come back and take advantage of this opportunity. This course would be a bit too advanced for you if you have not yet learned how to trade Betfair. The good news is that it literally only takes a few hours!
You HATE football
If you do not enjoy this sport then I am afraid you will have a very hard time becoming successful trading it. Also, I only want to teach those who love the sport, I find if someone is negative towards the sport then it shows in their success.
You Are Lazy
I know all this stuff works because it has worked for me for over 10 years now. If you follow it then you will succeed but you need to put in the hard work and lazy people who do not take action will get nowhere.
Good question and I like the way you used the word “invest” since this is literally an investment in yourself.
Last century, people spent THOUSANDS of pounds putting themselves through University and traditional education in order to get a well paid job. Doctors and lawyers would have to do years of education and spend 5 figures to get to where they wanted to be. But today, in the digital world, things have changed and people now spend that money learning something that means they no longer need to rely on a job. I went to University myself and left with over £10k of debt and the funniest part of all is that I never once got a job using my degree.
So if you want to learn the skill of football trading. Something that will allow you to earn money in your own time, be your own boss and literally live the dream then it will not be cheap but it will certainly not be as expensive as 5 figures like “traditional” education might cost.
As you may know we charge up to £997 per head for a live day seminar. And generally, if you went to a live seminar or day workshop to do this course then you would be expected to pay between £400-£1000 just for the entry. Then you will have to pay the travel costs and maybe even accommodation for just one seminar. I myself spent precisely £1483.72 going to a Betfair trading course back in 2007 and over £10k on courses overall. Money I really could not afford at the time.
So if we were doing this course live over a weekend seminar then £997 would be a fair price due to all the knowledge that can be gained. So with this in mind we really should be keep charging £997 for the digital course since you are getting a similar live seminar style presentation but you also get the opportunity to replay it back as much as you want and learn in your own time. Even in your bath if you wanted!
However, we are not going to charge that much and I will tell you why…
Since UFT is a video hosted course this means that we do not have the overheads of renting a meeting room, paying for staff, refreshments and our own travel costs which means we can lower the cost of the course significantly and give you more money to play with in your trading bank.
So the price to access the course today is (Keep in mind this price will go up and we will NEVER discount in the future)