Danny Iny and the Mirasee team – The Art of Offer Craft
Price: $500
Just pay: $62
Sale Page: http://mirasee.com/offer-craft/special-offer
- You offer a product or service you think is awesome, but nobody wants to buy it.
- You wonder what you’re doing wrong, so you look to popular “sales gurus” for guidance.
- But their sales techniques make you feel uneasy, and only drive your audience away.
- You decide you’re not good at selling, and you wish you could avoid it altogether.
- Your business drags along without generating enough profit to be sustainable.
- Eventually, you consider giving up on your entrepreneurial dreams.
Please, don’t give up hope! If those issues resonate with you, then the Art of Offer Craft training was *designed* to benefit you.
Getting a big YES from your customers isn’t impossible. It doesn’t require pushiness or manipulation. In fact, it can be easy to achieve… and the Art of Offer Craft is your path to multiplying your sales without increasing your effort or piling on the pressure.