Marketing Your Purpose – List Building Machine
Do You Want To Get Ready-to-Buy People Into Your Tribe…
Know Exactly Where To Find Them…
… and get a never-ending flood into your pipeline every day… without wearing yourself out?
Almost a no-brainer, right?
So listen, I’m sure by now you know just how powerful having a list of ‘ready-to-buy’ fans and customers is… Buuuuuutttt…
Up until now it just seems elusive, difficult, hit-and-miss and down-right time consuming…
You’re blogging, posting on social media, tweeting and spending tons of time ‘chasing’ lead after lead… client after client and it’s totally frustrating… trust me, I know!
You have a great message… but where the heck are the people?
You cant change lives, you cant change the world, you cant make any money without the people.
The biggest complaint and heartache that I hear entrepreneurs (newbies or veterans) have time and time again is…. I could sell this stuff… If I had people to sell it to! I could transform people, I could transform my bank account… If I had a big enough list…
Whether you sell pet supplies online, whether you have a physical storefront, or you’re a coach or consultant… you have to have a list … you have to have an audience of people.