Derek Allen – Tiny Little Video Machines
Tiny Little Video Machines Is A 5 Week Immersion Program That You Will Be Able To Access Immediately From Your Private Members Area.
There Are 5 Sessions Total And Many Lessons In Between. You Will Have Access To Session 0 And Session 1 Today. And Once You Complete All The Steps In Session 1, Session 2 Will Unlock For You 1 Week Later Automatically.
The course is designed like this to keep you focused. To help you keep your eye on the prize, and to make sure you never get overwhelmed with what’s ahead.
I’ve found that when you get all of these lessons thrown at you, you’ll want to skip ahead, look around and then nothing actually gets done.
My goal for you is to get things done. To stay focused. To complete the micro-lessons and set up everything being taught in that session. Then when the next session opens you can focus solely on that weeks tasks. This is a specific path course that shows you what to do, tells you what do and then gives you enough time to get it done before the next session opens. This is my way of “forcing” you to build something that could change your business and life.
When you come out on the other side you’ll have a stable business where you’ll know exactly what you are going to make every month.
You’ll love it.