How to See the Reality of Life – David R. Hawkins
In “How to See the Reality of Life”, Dr. Hawkins and his wife, Susan discuss the reality of life and its challenges. He stresses the importance of faith and prayer in daily living and how to maintain a spiritual awareness in life. Glamour, greed and human wants are also discussed. In addition, we are given a truth that we can use when life gets to be too much to handle. Dr. Hawkins also addresses the phrase “like goes to like” and the value of acceptance in one’s life.
Dr. Hawkins is a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher and lecturer. He has been a guest of the MacNeil/Lehrer TV program, Barbara Walters & The Today Show. His book Orthomolecular Psychiatry (prior to his best-selling Trilogy: Power vs Force, The Eye of the I, and I: Reality and Subjectivity) was co-authored with Nobelist Linus Pauling. His most recent books are Healing and Recovery, Along the Path to Enlightenment, Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self and Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender.
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