Katrina Ruth Programs – Multiple 7-Figure Mindset Formula
It’s time to get serious about money, honey, and realising that whatever you desire can be yours if only you’d do the fucking WORK.
You think I’m talking about the practical work? Well, SURE, but first let’s talk about the real work, the work that WORKS, the work that begins with you realising the TRUTH, and the truth is this:
YOU can be rich.
You CAN be rich.
You can be RICH, baby, and if you’re not, then there ain’t a thing in the world you CAN do to fix that shit if you don’t first figure out who you need to BE in order to MAKE that shit?
A done fucking deal.
So allow me, if you will, a moment! Because I want to tell you how you too, just like I did, and SO many others besides, can learn how to THINK TO BE RICH.
You think that’s just a pipe dream, a fantasy, or that there’s more to it than that?
How you THINK is everything.
Who you choose to BE will CREATE everything.
What you DECIDE and then make real in your MIND will GUARANTEE everything.
Or –
You can continue to fight, to take two steps BACK for every one step forward, to continually look outside of yourself for answers, or actions, or magic fucking bullet pills, OR you can shut the fuck up and listen.
And if you’re ready to listen, then know THIS:
Your current MONEY situation is a simple product of what you’ve created in your mind.
So if you’re nowhere near where you want to be, WE CAN FIX THAT, but it’s going to be about who you are, not what you do.
And if you’re kinda / sorta / even well and truly ‘on your way’, but just want to know how to elevate that shit harder | faster | bigger | and with greater levels of ALL ’round badassery, then we can do that for SURE, but same thing applies:
It’s going to be about who you choose to be.
How you choose to see the world.
And you IN it.
AND what you’re creating with it.
And here is the thing, the thing about money and specifically about multiple 7-figures and BEYOND:
It hit me last week, nobody actually talks about what it takes to make this sort of dosh! You see the how to get to 6-figures / multiple-6 / even 7-figure stuff often, but beyond that?
Ain’t nobody talking.
OR just ain’t nobody much doing it
OR … it’s that whole thing of it being BAD TO TALK ABOUT MONEY. Especially about MAKING money!! Definitely okay to talk about struggling with money though, apparently!!
Well, guess what? I’m here to tell you that you CAN make precisely how much you DECIDE to. I decided I’m going to build a $100 million dollar PLUS empire, and so that’s what I’m doing. You can bet your bottom dollar you’re gonna WATCH me do it! Meanwhile, I can’t yet talk from having DONE it about what it takes to create a hundred mil (although I suspect the FOUNDATIONAL TRUTHS I’m about to share are the same), but I CAN talk about what it takes to create a multiple 7-figure income, all online, and also by doing what you love.
So, I’m going to talk about it. Because I think that it NEEDS to be talked about, and also? I think that maybe, just maybe, you’d be interested in hearing it!
But here is where we must part ways, you and I, possibly.
If you think I’m going to tell you what to DO to make multiple 7-figures then you’re going to need to THINK THE FUCK AGAIN, and either move on or get ready to open up to the truth.
And the truth is this:
SUCCESS, in any form, and never more true here than when talking about MONEY success, can never –
Will never –
Depend upon a pathway, a plan, a process, a ‘join-the-dots’ blueprint. It’s time to GIVE UP LOOKING FOR WHAT TO DO. Don’t you think that if it were ABOUT that, everybody willing to just FOLLOW said plan would be making it?
#sorrynotsorry to tell you:
There ain’t no plan.
I don’t HAVE a pathway I followed that YOU can follow too.
And I’ve got no fucking clue what the precise STEPS are, for YOU to take, in order for YOU to get to HERE, or your own version thereof.
But I do know this:
I know how to THINK for success.
I know how to THINK for wealth.
I know how to THINK my way rich, hot, ALL the way to the top, and PRECISELY on my terms, by doing the work I was born to do, which only I can do, and completely the way I WANT to do it.
In other words?
I’ve done it.
I’ve LIVED it.
I AM it.
And THAT is what I can share with you, because it’s one thing to tell you that if you ‘do this or that’ you can get to here or there, and maybe you WILL get somewhere, but then what?
Who have you BECOME, and can you continue on?
It’s another thing altogether – a gift more valuable than any, I dare say – to be able to share with you what it actually takes, to very simply, BECOME.
Become the person to whom success is automated.
Become the person who does the work because it’s who you ARE.
Become the person who doesn’t take no for an answer, who wouldn’t even consider the idea of NOT reaching their every.single.MASSIVE big money goal –
Impact goal –
LIFE goal.
BECOME the person who is inevitably going to get to wherever they SAY they will, and fuck the how.
And that’s the THING, the big thing you need to understand:
It is NEVER going to be about the how.
It is ONLY going to be about what you think –
What you believe –
What you CHOOSE to be done, in your mind, in order to allow, in your LIFE.
All of which, and I know it was a rather long-winded way of getting to the point! – leads me to this:
I’ve created a formula.
A FORMULA for success.
A FORMULA, for what it takes to make Multiple 7-Figures, AND BEYOND.
A FORMULA, for the MINDSET of Multiple 7-Figures!!
And what it is, is like NOTHING you’ve ever experienced or even heard of before, because when I say formula, you damn well KNOW I say it with the understanding that the only FORMULA which can ever work is one in which we say:
Fuck the how.
Fuck what you need to do.
And focus ONLY on who you need to be.
Are you ready for this?
Allow me to INVITE you to become part of what, I believe, is the most critically important, powerful and RESULT-BASED training I’ve ever created …!
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