THE CORE PLAY – Karin Dimitrovova
Fitness and wellness industries are weird. Trying to sell us on self love and acceptance from one side and then handling us slimming teas and “abs in 24 hours” kind of programs.
- Have the strength to do arm balances, handstands and other challenging positions
- Move through asana transitions effortlessly
- Feel inspired in your practice and confident in yourself
- Have the energy to tackle the day and feel refreshed…
When I first started my yoga practice, I was absolutely mesmerized by the graceful and fluid movements of my yoga teachers at that time. They were moving so effortlessly and with such ease, while I was huffing and puffing somewhere in the back row.
And let’s not even talk about trying harder poses, such as various arm balances, headstands or handstands. These were simply not happening, no matter how hard I tried.
With more and more time spent on the mat, I started seeing great benefits that the regular practice brought me – mental clarity, relaxed attitude, a level of ease. But I also knew I wanted MORE in terms of my body.
As a yoga teacher I feel obliged to remind you that yoga is not the journey of the body, it’s the journey within. Yoga is simply not just about the asana, the exercise, the body. But in order to soften and drop in, the body needs to be strong and agile.
And if you’re anything like me, you enjoy challenging things. You want to be able to do arm balances, handstands and maybe even dip your toes into other cool practices – like “animal style” type of movement or light acrobatics.
I’m Karin Dimitrovova, Yoga & Movement Teacher, and I created the program “THE CORE PLAY” for people just like you.
- I wanted to be strong and be able to do all the things I saw others doing around me
(yup, I blame Instagram for that and nope, I’m not ashamed to admit it) - I wanted my “Down Dog” position to be a resting pose (I mean, really?!)
- I wanted to know how to practice on my own
That’s why I created this 28 day Core Strength program – to help you on your journey and show you step by step how to get the results you’re after.
We will start the first week off with a BANG. No playing around, getting straight to the work.
We are turning up the heat this week.
If you wish to try other type of movement, then be ready for a treat. As week three is all about Animal Moves.
8 Yoga Inspired
- You want your practice to be smart and effective
- You are willing to invest 15 minutes a day into yourself, your goals and health
- You are ready to finally see progress and try more challenging things, such as various arm balances or handstands
- You enjoy yoga inspired movements & are open-minded to explore other movement practices
- You are ready to commit and do the work!
- You expect “quick fix” results and are looking for “get abs NOW” program
- You think that doing 100 crunches a day is the way to go and you enjoy boring exercises
- You think that buying the program is enough and expect me to do the work for you
- You want to lose belly fat (hint: core strength has nothing to do with the layer of fat sitting on your bely, you CAN’T TARGET FAT LOSS, although losing fat can happen as a byproduct of moving your body more)
Okay, this sounds cool and I’m ready to commit.