Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Demystified – Sean G. Smith
Get the latest and greatest on ARDS in this up-to-date, comprehensive and interactive session! We’ll discuss the underlying physiology, so you understand WHY you’re seeing what you’re seeing, the patient’s projected clinical course and rationales for each intervention…. We will review adult, pediatric and neonatal Respiratory anatomy and physiology, pulmonary physical examination, blood gasses, ARDS pathophysiology, Ventilator Management (including advanced modes such as APRV and HFOV), Adjuncts such as proning and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO), and MORE!
- Analyze how ARDS pathophysiology presents related to atelectasis, compliance, oxygenation, ventilation, perfusion, and other assessment data throughout the clinical course of the disease state.
- Demonstrate individual interventions and overall strategies to minimize the impact of ARDS pathophysiology and promote a return to homeostasis.
- List common etiologies of ARDS pathology.
- Recognize differing ventilator modes for patients with ARDS to get the best patient outcomes.