AWAI Bootcamp 2007 – Michael Masterson
2007 FastTrack to Success “Bootcamp-In-Your-Home”
Don’t Miss Out on Our
Best “FastTrack to Success”
Bootcamp Ever!
Michael Masterson, Bob Bly, Herschell Gordon Lewis,
John Forde, Dr. Joe Vitale, Paul Hollingshead,
Heather Lloyd-Martin, Mike Palmer, Jennifer Stevens,
Matthew Furey, Will Newman, and others…
See and hear 19 of the top copywriters and
direct-mail professionals in the country share
secret after secret, strategy after strategy – on topics
ranging from writing a winning headline … to
techniques for polishing and presenting your work …
to the art of crafting controls …
You get it all on top-quality DVD… along with
a complete workbook containing full presentations,
notes, letter samples, and all relative handouts –PLUS live spec assignments, potential clients…
and some added bonuses you’ll only find here.
Here’s Why Some Would Argue That Owning the 2007 FastTrack to Success “Bootcamp-In-Your-Home” DVD Package Is Actually …
Better Than Being There!
Dear Reader,
Disappointed that you didn’t make it to this year’s FastTrack to Copywriting Success Bootcamp?
Not to worry…
We captured every minute of this exciting event on DVD… just so we could have a permanent, indelible record of it.
We started doing this a few years back, when it dawned on us that nowhere else in the universe do so many of the industry’s top copywriters gather specifically to share their deepest secrets with up-and-coming copywriters – and that not everyone can be there to see and hear it.
We knew we had to get this event “on tape” when we saw just how significant the information being presented was – and what a tremendous impact it can have on anyone starting out in the business.
It’s probably one of the smartest things we’ve done…
And every year, in the days and weeks after Bootcamp, we get calls and emails from people all over the world asking us if they can get their hands on these recordings.
Not just up-and-coming copywriters, either…
Established professionals, too. They understand, better than anyone else, what a decisive edge knowing these secrets can give you.
Best of all, because we record these sessions, it means that you don’t have to “be there” to learn all the groundbreaking secrets revealed by some of the top copywriters in the country… secrets that can propel you swiftly to the upper ranks of the copywriting establishment…
The One Presentation No Copywriter Should Miss
For instance, Michael Masterson himself kicked off this year’s event with his presentation, “Punch Up Your Copy in 90 Minutes” – which included his latest system for writing fail-proof leads every time!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it to you again now…
I’ve heard Michael do the opening presentation at the past five Bootcamps. Every year, it just gets better. Every year, he adds a twist or two that makes “the mystery that is the perfect sales letter” so much clearer and more insightful. And every year, I leave that room knowing more about copy than when I went in.
It’s an “Aha!” moment that every copywriter longs to have… where you once and for all understand the structure of a sales letter – and walk away confident that, from this day forward, you’ll never again struggle to incorporate the crucial “core” elements into your sales letter.
If I were an up-and-coming copywriter, I’d be happy to pay whatever it cost to get to Bootcamp… just to hear this “hour of insightful wisdom” alone. That’s how powerful and how important I think Michael’s “Punch Up Your Copy” presentation is.
But that’s only the beginning. For example…
You’ll hear John Forde share his secrets for knowing and understanding your prospective customers in a much more profound way – so you can target your sales message directly to their deepest wants and needs.
I talked to Katie Yeakle, who sat in on this presentation, and she told me people loved the secrets John revealed for hitting your prospect’s “hot buttons” … such revelations as “the nine things people want most,” as well as many little techniques for making sure you’re selling to your prospect’s “secret core desire.”
I’m sorry I missed it … but I had a good reason …
Back for an Encore Performance:
Heather Lloyd-Martin
I was sitting in on the “advanced track” session that was going on during that same hour, where Heather Lloyd-Martin was following up on last year’s brilliant presentation, “Secrets of SEO Copywriting Success.”
I was anxious to hear Heather speak, both because of her incredible presentation at last year’s event and because of the ever-increasing importance of SEO copywriting. She’s one of the few experts I know of who has mastered the art of gaining top search engine rankings with Web copy. These are must-know strategies for anyone writing for the Internet, and Heather delivered the goods again this year.
In clear and concise terms, Heather explained exactly what SEO copywriting is, how to write sizzling-hot content that gets top search engine positioning, and insider secrets for finding clients who need your expertise.
That’s why no copywriter should miss Heather’s return engagement to Bootcamp. And now you don’t have to. We captured the whole thing on camera, as part of the 2007 FastTrack to Success “Bootcamp-In-Your-Home” DVD Package.
Which reminds me of an important point …
Going to Bootcamp is a great experience. But, in some ways, having the Bootcamp DVD Package is actually better than being there. How so?
You’ll See What Attendees Couldn’t
Over the years, this event has grown to include so many presentations from so many great copywriters and marketers that there just aren’t enough hours in the 3 days to include them all. So this year, as in years past, we were forced to “double up” on occasion … and hold the more advanced sessions at the same time as the basic skills were being explained in another room.
It worked … but the bottom line is there’s no way anyone who attended the event could see everything. There’s no way, for example, you could have caught John’s refresher presentation “Know & Profit From Your Prospect: Beyond the Basics” AND Heather’s advanced “Secrets to SEO Copywriting Success” presentation. They were going on at the same time. Attendees had to choose which one they wanted to see …
But when you get the 2007 FastTrack to Success “Bootcamp-In-Your-Home” DVD Package,you hear and see every word of both!
Same goes for two more presentations that took place simultaneously the next day …
You could not have benefited from Jenny Thompson’s entertaining and insightful presentation on making your first million in the health market AND caught Lori Haller and Donna Doyle’s presentation on what copywriters need to know about graphic design.
You’d have to have been in two places at the same time to do it!
Nor could you have sat in on Jennifer Stevens’ “Pro-Level Techniques for Polishing & Presenting Your Work” AND heard Kimberly Seville’s “Fundraising Master Session – What You Need to Know to Be a Pro.” Both of these presentations included information that every copywriter should know. But at Bootcamp, you would have had to choose …
But thanks to the 2007 FastTrack to Success “Bootcamp-In-Your-Home” DVD Package, you can hear and see both.
I think you’re getting the point here.
You Won’t Miss a Single Career-Boosting Minute
Hours and hours of great information on the business of copywriting, marketing yourself, researching, networking, becoming a better writer – all happening in different venues at different times over three very busy, very hectic days.
But as a 2007 FastTrack to Success “Bootcamp-In-Your-Home” DVD Package owner, you can hear and see every career-boosting moment… in the comfort of your own home… at your leisure… as many times as you’d like or need to hear and see it – with all the distractions edited out.
That’s why we’re flooded with requests for these recordings after every Bootcamp… even from those who were there!They realize they didn’t hear and see everything… and recognize the benefit of being able to reference any presentation any time they need to.
And the great news is… the 2007 FastTrack to Success “Bootcamp-In-Your-Home” DVD Package is better than ever – packed with a whole bunch of exciting extras and bonuses that you’ll not only find extraordinarily entertaining, but will be sure to shoot you up the professional copywriting ladder further and faster than you ever imagined.
Before I tell you about those, though, allow me to highlight some more of the insights you’ll gain from this year’s Bootcamp recordings…
All the Important Basics – Plus Advanced Strategies
You know, one of the great benefits of Bootcamp is it “drives home” the basic copywriting principles covered by the Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting … like the 4-Legged Stool, the 4 U’s, and the 4 P’s. Jennifer Stevens walks you through some of these principles, and takes it a step further with techniques that are sure to make your copy more powerful and your confidence rock-solid.
Jennifer’s background as an editor gives her a unique perspective on what your clients and potential clients are looking for. Her “Pro-Level Techniques for Polishing & Presenting Your Work” includes such valuable tips as the three keys to making every sentence a powerhouse, how to know what to cut from your final draft, and a fail-proof editing checklist to ensure client-ready copy every time.
But what keeps people coming back to Bootcamp year after year is the stuff they learn above and beyond what’s in the basic program – secrets from some of the top copywriters in our business.
Copywriting Secrets From “The Master”
Like Herschell Gordon Lewis’s presentation – titled “Is Your Copy Firing Bullets Or Blanks? How to Maximize Response” – where he reveals the secrets that have made him one of the most sought-after copywriters in the country.
You’ll learn the four trends in 21st century communication that have been forced upon us by the Internet… minor changes in teaser copy that can have a huge effect on response… the clarity commandment (too important to be considered only a principle)… how Web copy should differ from print copy… what Herschell considers the copywriter’s most professional tool (it may surprise you)… as well as details on his very own and all-powerful “benefit/benefit” principle.
Herschell also debunks the myth, unfortunately subscribed to by some marketers, that direct mail doesn’t work in the age of the Internet.
Fact is, if you want to keep up with what’s working RIGHT NOW, and what is no longer working, whether in direct mail, on the Web, or in catalog copy, this is the man to look to. Through vigorous testing, Herschell has always kept his finger on the pulse of the direct-marketing world.
He is also one of the most entertaining speakers you’re likely to see anywhere.
You’ll also hear Zen Master of the Internet Matthew Furey reveal his secrets for “Multi-Million-Dollar Email Strategies.”
Matthew – the world-renowned bodybuilder/martial artist who’s used email marketing to build a multi-million-dollar fitness and conditioning business – reveals his secret for grabbing your reader by the lapels and forcing him to read your copy… and then goes on to show you how to “close the sale” with language that is virtually irresistible.
If you’re an up-and-coming writer interested in writing for the Internet, you’ll get everything you need to know about writing winning email promos.
As I was listening to Matthew speak, I couldn’t help but think what an amazing and generous gift this was to any novice copywriter… to have one of the living legends of online copywriting so willingly share the very secrets that have made him what Michael Masterson has referred to as “the world’s greatest email copywriter.”
And then, just when you think he’s revealed all his biggest secrets, Matthew returns again later that same evening with his blockbuster presentation, “How to Be a No-Limit Copywriter.”
This is where Matthew gives you some of his personal techniques for preparing your mind, body, and spirit for limitless possibility, both in your finances and in your copywriting skills. In fact, these are the strategies he has used to outrageous success in his coaching business to obliterate limits in all areas of his students’ lives.
Something for Everyone
And if email and Internet copywriting is not your bag …
- Gary Hennerberg – master copywriter and marketing consultant – returns this year to share his invaluable advice with his presentation, “21 Tips for Successfully Responding to Copywriting Specs & Assignments.”
- Kimberly Seville – fundraising specialist – reveals her experience and knowledge about the huge and growing fundraising market … discusses the secret to writing copy that reaches the hearts of potential donors … and gives you the inside scoop on what it takes to raise money for charities, advocacy groups, and political organizations.
- Will Newman – associated with AWAI since 1999 and editor of The Golden Thread – is a professional copywriter who apprenticed under Lee Troxler, one of the world’s top copywriters. Will’s presentation, “Mastering the Headline Maze – the Master Checklist” shows you how to make your headline grab the reader’s attention and keep him reading.
Are you beginning to grasp just how much information is packed into this intense three-day event? Now, imagine getting all the most useful and relevant stuff on DVD – so you can watch at your convenience … in your home … as many times as you need or want to.
But there’s more …
Some of the most successful promotions today are “story based” promos, and, once again this year, we brought together a pair of great storytellers: John Forde and Jennifer Stevens. But the story lead is just one of many ways to pull your prospect into your piece and keep him interested. John and Jennifer explore how to accomplish this task with their presentation, “Hooking Your Reader: 17 Leads That Can Work Every Time.”
Secrets From Master Marketer Dr. Joe Vitale
I haven’t even mentioned this year’s keynote speaker, Dr. Joe Vitale – arguably the most successful marketer of our time – who shares what he’s learned about copywriting and business building in his many years as a master marketer. Dr. Vitale is the world’s first Hypnotic Marketer, and is President of Hypnotic Marketing Inc. Among the many publications to his credit are his book, The Attractor Factor – Five Easy Steps for Creating Wealth; his e-book, Hypnotic Writing; and his Nightingale-Conant audio program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing … all #1 best sellers. You may also have seen him in the movie The Secret. If you’re in the business of selling, marketing, or copywriting … this is one man you need to hear. And you will when you get your 2007 FastTrack to Success “Bootcamp-In-Your-Home” DVD Package.
Great stuff.
You’ll also get to look in on all the panel discussions – like “Marketing Tips From the Masters,” where Lori Allen, Jenny Thompson, MaryEllen Tribby, and Sandy Franks talk about the best practices for you to use in your marketing efforts.
Then there’s “The Wonderful World of Niche Marketing,” with insights from pros who are at the top of their respective niches, including Herschell Gordon Lewis, Mike Palmer, Kimberly Seville, and Jenny Thompson.
And you’re not going to want to miss the “Reaching New Heights” panel discussion with Katie Yeakle and AWAI’s “Wall of Fame” copywriters – where your fellow AWAI members reveal exactly how they’ve made the leap to successful freelance copywriters.
We’ve also put together some truly “dynamic duos,” who’ve teamed up to give you a lively brand of instruction.
Aside from those I’ve already mentioned, you’ll see Ilise Benun and Jeff Johannigman show you how to “speed read” potential clients … to get them to hire you more quickly!
Gary and Merri Scott will give you a plan for cashing in on the “long tail” of copywriting.
And, if you’ll excuse my immodesty, I think you’re really going to like the presentation I gave with the great Mike Palmer: “How We Write Million-Dollar Promotions.” This is where Mike and I break down for you the techniques we use when we sit down to write a package, start to finish. You’ll find this one chockfull of our personal secrets that you can use to write your own promotions and to be more productive.
And how about this for an all-time great tag team: Michael Masterson and Bob Bly, together for the first time ever, on “The Art of Crafting Controls”!
Our Most Talent-Laden Bootcamp Ever
No question, this is our best Bootcamp in the eight years we’ve been doing them. Denise and her team have really done a great job lining up the best talent out there – and getting them to share their most potent and personal secrets.
Everything you need to know about elevating your skills as a copywriter can be found on these recordings. From writing a great headline… to constructing a powerful lead… to creating a great story and a powerful promise… all the way to the most effective close and order device. Even stuff you need to know about the business side of being a copywriter… it’s all here.
4 Live Spec Assignments… to Get You on Your Way
And what are you going to do with all this fantastic information? You’re going to write great copy, that’s what! And we’ll even help you there by including four real live spec assignments for real AWAI products.
We’ve made sure there’s something for everyone:
- A new AWAI product called Computer Basics for Travel Writers and Copywriters
- Turn Your Pictures Into Cash, a photography program from the AWAI Travel Division
- Desktop Marketing for Success, Independence, and Income
- Self-Publishing: Your Complete Business Plan for Creating a Life Without Borders
Whether you choose to tackle one or all four of these assignments, this is your “big break” chance. Write a great, one-page headline and lead using the core and advanced skills you’ll learn from this year’s Bootcamp DVD P ackage. Send it in. And if your letter’s accepted – you’re on your way …
One Success Can Launch Your Career!
If it mails and beats the current control, you’ll be on the verge of a rocket-to-the-moon career! Once word gets out (and I can tell you this from firsthand experience), you’ll have marketers literally swarming to line you up for work. (Remember, nothing’s changed. The demand for copywriters is still HUGE, thanks in part to the growth of online marketing.)
It’s happened for plenty of AWAIers: Catherine Cairns, Monica Day, Krista Jones, Susan Clark, Glen Strathy, Jim Turner, Joshua Boswell, and many others. They’ve benefited from the wealth of knowledge presented at past Bootcamps, and now they’re full-time professional copywriters – several of whom will break the $100K mark in income this year.
What else?
Well, we wanted to make the entire learning process as fast and easy as possible. And the best way to do that is to replicate the “in person” experience as much as possible …
Introducing the FastTrack to Success “Virtual” Job Fair
Picture this: You walk into a large room where you find marketers who are looking for fresh copywriting talent, all set up at tables, handing out spec assignments.
Now, how can you even put a dollar figure on that kind of opportunity? These are marketers who are frequently in need of sales copy, willing to give you a shot at writing their next promotion. Companies like The Oxford Club, The Motley Fool, Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, American Red Cross, Boys & Girls Club, American Marketing Association, Dr. Sears, and Learning Strategies, just to name just a few.
These folks are all very familiar with the AWAI program, and are also VERY open to giving AWAI-trained copywriters a shot at a live assignment. That is exactly why they participate in this event.
Just imagine what landing one of these assignments could do for your career!
So, here’s what we’ve done to offer these live opportunities to those of you who couldn’t make it to Bootcamp…
As a 2007 FastTrack to Success “Bootcamp-In-Your-Home” DVD Package owner, you can “attend” our Virtual Job Fair from home. While there may be several spec assignments that have too tight of a turnaround to be included with your package, we are working diligently to extend the deadlines on as many of them as possible. They will be included in your package as easy-to-download PDF files. And contact information for all 51 companies offering spec assignments will be included … so even if the deadline has come and gone, you can contact these marketers for possible future assignments.
And because we want to offer you the same chance of landing these assignments as your fellow writers who attended the live event, we’re including a DVD full of video snippets from the presenters explaining their product, their prospect demographics, and the actual direction THEY think the copy should take.
The contact information alone is worth its weight in gold. And landing one of these assignments could not only cover your cost of the Bootcamp DVD Package many times over, it could kick your copywriting career into overdrive.
Our Ever-Popular “7 Habits” Report … Yours FREE
Another nice little bonus that’ll come your way is an exciting report we put together called “The 7 Daily Habits of Successful Copywriters.” It’s a special report we created by interviewing top copywriters and asking them to share secrets – not so much about their copywriting strategies, but about their work and writing habits. Things like … When do you work best? … How’s your office set up? … Where do you write? … What kind of tools do you use? … What are the secrets to your success? …and so on.
I was looking through it the other day, and I told Katie it would be a perfect resource to include in the Bootcamp DVD Package … a nice way to “round out” an already comprehensive program on the business of copywriting. In it, you’ll learn how top copywriters like Clayton Makepeace, Herschell Gordon Lewis, Don Mahoney, and others set up their workspace … deal with distractions … organize their day … and go about their daily routines. You’ll also discover how they prepare to write a direct-mail package … the kinds of things they read every day to become better writers … how they deal with writer’s block … and more.
It’s a great report … and a great way to get inside the heads of successful working copywriters. This neat and useful report is yours free when you get the 2007 FastTrack to Success “Bootcamp-In-Your-Home” DVD Package.
Access Download AWAI Bootcamp 2007 – Michael Masterson right now!
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