Transformational Marketing – Andrea Hess
Hey there! Thanks for clicking over to find out more about me! Here’s the full scoop:
I’ve never had “normal” career aspirations. In my self-obsessed teens and twenties, I actually wanted to be an opera singer. I was very unhappy, and very broke … which was, unfortunately, kind of normal amongst my peer group!
Eventually, I figured that I should probably find a way to create income besides doing temp work when I wasn’t singing and, on instinct and intuition, I decided to go to massage therapy school. The first time I ever gave a massage, I was hooked! It felt so good to actually be helping people. I specialized in serving clients with chronic pain issues and built my first successful business as a massage therapist.
Over time, however, I became quite frustrated. Every week, I would “fix” my clients … but they never actually changed their lives! I wanted to serve in a different way. I became a yoga instructor and then received my life coaching certification, all in an effort to help people make changes from the inside out.
Life coaching introduced me to the world of online business, which I embraced. But life coaching wasn’t quite the right modality for me, and I knew it. I continued with my massage therapy business and taught a few yoga classes, and focused on my personal life.
In 2004, I was pregnant with my daughter and quit my massage therapy business. My plan was to stay at home with my new baby … and then I took a class from a friend of mine on Akashic Records reading.
It was just something I was doing for fun. But there I was, on a Friday night, feeling like the back of my head opened and I was remembering rather than learning something new. And I thought to myself: “Nooooo …. I don’t want to be a freakin’ PSYCHIC!” Seriously, did I want a career where I was going to automatically be the weirdest person in every room? No! And how was I going to explain this to my in-laws? My parents?
But I was also fascinated. Two weeks after my daughter was born, I had my first paying client.
I built my business online out of what I thought was necessity – as a new mom, I barely had time to shower, never mind go to a networking event! But as it turns out, online marketing is 100% congruent to who I am at Soul-level (I didn’t know that back then!) and my business grew.
In 2008, my husband and I parted ways and my business took off. I was determined not to conform to the stereotype of the struggling single mom! I wanted my daughter to know what is possible in terms of income and lifestyle. So I applied everything I knew about who I was at Soul-level to my business. By early 2009 I took my business into six figures and never looked back.
It never ceases to amaze me just how much abundance is available to us when we dare live our Divinity – not as an abstract concept, but at the level of action.
Living our Divinity is not convenient – not for ourselves, and not for others. It can also make our life look pretty weird from the outside! And yet, it is the key to creating a human experience of abundance and fulfillment, which is exactly what our Soul came here for.
I’ve spent the last ten years researching how the Soul is designed to translate its Divine nature into the human experience. The primary tool I’ve used is the Akashic Records – and my own life. Basically, I’ve been – and continue to be – my own guinea pig for creating grounded results. Most of my experiments have been financial, others have taken place in the arenas of parenting, relationships, and health. I don’t teach you anything that is just regurgitated from someone else. In fact, I’m careful not to study what I teach, because I want my content to be grounded in my own experience and results.
I’m really not at all interested in abstract spiritual concepts that can never be proven. I am only interested in what WORKS so that we can stand as the powerful Creators of our human experience that we are designed to be.
Over the last eight years, I’ve trained almost two thousand students in more than forty countries worldwide in my own system of accessing the Akashic Records called Soul Realignment®. The power of this work never ceases to amaze me! If you want to learn more about how to help others uncover their Divinity through the Akashic Records, be sure to check it out!
I know you’re an amazing human and Divine Being.
I know that living the Truth of who you are will result in tremendous abundance for you.
I hope to work with you soon.
To your infinite abundance,
Andrrea Hess
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