Sphere of Influence 2018
Module 1: Prelude
What it says on the tin. It’s the map, the big picture overview and backstory before I hit you over the head with the how-to details.
Module 2: Belief Re amin
This module is further broken up Into seven lessons. This is a critical module, so we go through it bit-by-bit as I lead you further down the rabbit hole that is the “Invisible psychology” (the belief reframing) which wraps around a Presell Site.
It includes two exclusive videos from Todd Brown’s $1c,IC per personBig Idea Bootcamp. One of Todd himself, and the other of Rich Schefren.
Module 3: The Art oPrefss
This module is a big one, too. So ItN broken down into eight lessons. Here I break down the framework, the scaffolding, that makes up the workhorse engine of a Presell Site.
WARNING: This is “mind blown- sorra stuff. Just saying.
Module 4: Presell Sites & Worlds
In this six lesson module I teach howl build “Preset’ Worlds” and how they all work together to establish your overall “Sphere of Influence.”
A Presell Site doesn’t operate in isolation, even though people see them as shoed properties. They’re not. They’re strategic assets within a larger world.
Module 5: Building Your Presell Site
Here you put all your learning into practice and build out your own asset(s).
Module 6: Traffic Strategies for SOI (NEW)
This module is new. It didn’t exist in the Pilot Edition of SOL It’s broken up into two sections: Organic Traffic and Paid Traffic.
I teach the lesson on how to leverage “organic” traffic to acquire new leads into your SOI. This is a “Version r” lesson, meaning its not complete. I plan to further build it out and expand it over the course of 5018.
You’ll get access to all new content upgrades for life. All the trainings we create are a “work-in-progresr and never represent a finished product.
This may seem like an odd thing to say. Not at all. It’s a massive benefit for you.
We’re not in the business of putting a “Version out, then pocketing the cash forever until the course becomes outdated and irrelevant.
We constantly update all our products, and SOI Ls no exception.
The next part of this module is all on Paid Traffic, and it’s taught by my friend Shawn twine, one of the top three AdWords/FB ads people on the planet.
He’s been running is own paid traffic agency for the past s9 years (since 1999). Yup, that’s a l000000ng time.
Make no mistake, this paid module alone is worth thousands (mos of moos In your revenue coffers each year when you do what it says on the SOI tin). Which is why we could easily sell this as a standalone traffic course for a thousand bucks. Easily. But Matt not how we roll here.
It’S part of SOI (embedded in the core strategy), and it’s been created by Shawn SPECIFICALLY forSOI (Shawn uses the strategies I teach in SOI for his own high-paying clients traffic engines).
• Module 1: The Big picture
The 30,000′ view of what it takes to create, test, optimize and scale a paid “traffic engine” for your business.
• Module 2: Fish Where the Fish Are (Google and Facebook)
When American bank robber Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks he replied, “Because that’s where the money is.” We’re going to focus on Google and Facebook for the some reason.
(And once you know how to drive traffic from Google and Facebook, every other opportunity is easier.)
• Module 3: Give ‘Em What They Want (And Get What You Want)
The Wild West days are over. There are no tricks, hacks, or flavorof the day “Insider secrets.” The real secret is Google and Facebookwrmt different outcomes for their users. Give ’em what they want and you’ll get rewarded with lower ad costs and more traffic.
• Module 4: The Problem/Solution Mindset
Google search’s about active intent. Real people with real problems looking for real solutions right now. Want to know if yourSOI has struck a nerve?If you set it up correctly, Google Adwords will let you know in days —maybe hours — if you’re on the right track.
• Module 5: The Info-Tainment Mindset
Facebook is about passive potential interest. Real people who may or may not have interests or problems that you solve, ideas you want to share, and solutions that you offer. “Hey, what’s your problem?- is a real turnoff but “Hey, this looks interesting…” will attract attention (let’s make sure it’s the right attention to grow your business).
• Module 6: The Secret Sauce – Behaviorally-Based Retargeting
Facebook is the perfec t strategy to unlock the potential of behaviorally-based retargeting. Your SOI will be setup to filter out the riff -raff at the front door and then gently guide the right people to the finish line, step-by-step, day-after-day. This is where we mm a good traffic strategy into a mind-bending incredible strategy. Buckle up for this module.
• Module 7: nutting it All Together And Measuring Results
Whenever you’re paying for traffic the meter is running and you’re watching money walk out the door. Knowing how much to spend to get the Information you need and how to react to that information to create a steady flow of improvements is criticaL Only a few things matter when we’re sending paid traffic to our SOI, but those few things matter a lot.
• Module 8: Optimizing and Scaling Your Traffic Engine
Everything you’ve completed prior to module eight has created the foundation to scale your traffic engine.
Without that foundation, you won’t know exactly which levers to pull to get the results you want. But with that foundation, you’ll have a laser-like focus to answer the two most Important questions you’ll need to answer: What, exactly is working? and How, exactly, do I do more of that (and only that)?. When you can answer those questions, the sky is the limit for your business.
Module 7: Funnel Visualization & Tracking
This is a short (but important) lesson on how to track the effectiveness of your presell sites using various tracking and funnel visualization tools (which are all free btw).
I teach the 80/20. So you don’t need a rocket science degree.
We have a private discussion forum set up on the backend exclusively for Sphere of Influence customer.
Every lesson is attached to a discussion. So you’ll never be left stuck and on your
But the real reason for this private group is far SOIpeeps to be able to interact, support and help each other out, and share ideas.
This private SOT discussion area is a paid group. We charge a $249/year for access, but new members get the first 6 months free.
To be clear, your investment in SOI comes with lifetime of upgrades and updates. You’ll never be asked to pay for new versions. You’re in for life.
And for 6 months you get access to the discussions for free as part of your investment in SOI.
(After 6 months, if you see the amazing value of the private discussions, and want to continue being part of the community, we’ll hook you up with the small $249/year subscription.)
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