How To Evaluate Any Real Estate Deal Within Minutes. Generate Executive Summaries, Lenders Packet and Much Much More… With a CLICK of a BUTTON!
What Is A.R.E.I.S 2.0?
One of the best tools we have ever come up with. AREIS 2.0 is a localized software that…
- Runs comps from Zillow with a CLICK of a BUTTON
- Does automatic ARV calculations so you know what the property is worth on the spot
- Has a built in REHAB ESTIMATOR so there is no more guess work on what the project is going to cost
- Calculates PROFIT/LOSS which includes BUYING, HOLDING, and SELLING COST
- Will generate an EXECUTIVE SUMMARY with a push of a button for wholesale deals
- As well as a LENDER’S PACKET to secure financing for the project
and Much Much More….
Access Download AREIS 2.0 – Shawn Mandan right now!
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