Are you tired of deciding how and when to enter trades using outdated methods, inaccurate indicators or guessing? The Atlas Line tells you exactly how and when to enter by plotting either a Long or Short entry signal at the moment you should enter. You will know exactly when to buy or sell the market AHEAD of the big moves. These signals are very accurate and can be used as a standalone trading system or with your own strategies.
The plotted line provides you with a constant reference of how you should be trading (either Long or Short). When price is above the Atlas Line, stay Long. When below, stay Short. It’s that simple.
Additional profit-taking setups are identified using the Strength and Pullback Trades, appearing after the initial Long or Short signal.
The Atlas Line produces multiple Long and Short signals intraday based on a proprietary formula. The line and generated order signals provide an indication of which way the market is expected to move. Instead of using multiple time frames or complex systems, use the Atlas Line to clear up inaccurate and conflicting signals. Use the Atlas Line in conjuction with your own trading methods as a filter.
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