Beginner Canon SLR (DSLR) Photography – JP Pullos
You’ll learn how all those buttons and dials work on your Canon DSLR. Including the exercises, this course will take you about 2.5 hours. Through the exercises you’ll do and through the explanations of the concepts, JP is committed that you retain the information there is to retain without memorizing. There is about an hour of video lecture which covers exposure, aperture, shutter speed and the mode dial (Auto, P, S, A and M). Images will be shown as examples. The exercises will be explained fully. This course is perfect for anyone who considers themselves a beginner with their Canon DSLR or for anyone who has some existing knowledge about how their camera works but hasn’t quite put all the puzzle pieces together when it comes to how aperture and shutter speed work together. This class is for you if you don’t know how all the modes (Auto, P, S, A and M) work on your camera and when you should be using each mode.
Course Curriculum
StartIntroduction (3:58)
StartExposure (14:28)
Nuts and Bolts of Aperture & Shutter Speed
StartNuts and Bolts of Aperture & Shutter Speed (12:13)
The Aperture Exercise
StartThe Aperture Exercise (4:12)
Using Aperture & Shutter Speed
StartUsing Aperture & Shutter Speed (11:56)
The Mode Dial
StartThe Mode Dial (9:41)
The Shutter Speed Exercise
StartThe Shutter Speed Exercise (3:56)
StartWrap-Up (5:44)
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