CheckIn SociMasters – Alicia Lyttle
Restaurants Struggle To Get New Customers In, And Often Waste Money On Advertising…
And That Is Where You Come In…
Facebook Check Ins Are The Best Way To Generate Word-Of-Mouth Referrals…
Which Means A Load Of New Business For The Restaurant
Don’t Believe Me? Take a look at this!
A Single Check In Is Typically Seen By At Least 100+ Friends!
And When Your Friends Check-in to a Restaurant, This Is What You See In YOUR Newsfeed!
Not only does it show where your friend is, but also their recommendation along with all of the others that recommend the location as well.
Today, you’re going to discover a sneaky way that practically ‘forces’ every restaurant visitor to check in on Facebook, so they increase their customer base and profits.
You see… most restaurants know that word of mouth is the best form of advertising, but have no clue whatsoever how to get it.

Hi there, Alicia Here, and along with Lorette, Ivana and Mitali
I’m about to reveal this ultra-simple way of getting practically everyone who visits a restaurant to check in via Facebook…
Generating HUGE amounts of viral referral traffic…
The type of traffic that brings in a constant stream of new, paying customers through their doors.
Which resulted in happy restaurant owners paying me $147-$297 every single month!
Here Is The Best Part:
- No previous experience
- No hard sell
- No tech skills or confusing software
- No FB ad spend
- No cold calling
- No face-to-face meetings
In 2016, Facebook got a lot of heat for changing their FB Feed algorithm.
The Feed was no longer chronological, but instead, Facebook would choose what they felt was most important, which meant lots of advertising, ‘featured’ posts, and even ‘fake news’…
People hated it!
To counteract this, in early 2018, Facebook changed the algorithm to give priority to content from friends and family members.
And, you’ll also get a companion PDF to the video series, to refresh your memory at-a-glance.
CheckIn SociMasters Video + PDF Course
How Facebook check-ins work in the restaurant world
These golden nuggets are what restaurateurs don’t know, and why they’ll love you for having ‘covert knowledge’
How to target restaurants that are in desperate need of this service
I want you looking at your first $147-$297 payment sitting in your PayPal account ASAP. So I’ll show you how to find restaurants in dire need of Facebook check-ins, and are willing to pay hundreds of dollars, month in month out, for you to handle it all for them
How to get clients without leaving the comfort of your home
I’ll share with you a simple email message that I send out to all potential clients, either via normal email or Facebook Messenger. This has a huge response rate every single time I use it. Just copy, paste and hit ‘send.’
How to get clients to sign up immediately without hesitation
I’ll share with you my ‘proven to convert’ follow-up emails and facebook Inbox messages that take a potential client from ‘interested’ to ‘must have now’…all via emails or via their Facebook Inbox and NO face-to-face/telephone contact
How to overcome any objection
I’ve been doing this since 2012, and I instinctively know the main objections restaurant owners have. So I’ll share with you my ‘objection override’ emails, just copy and paste these responses back, and expect even more happy clients.
How to optimize a restaurant’s Facebook page for check-ins
You’ll get a full video walkthrough of how to set everything up. Honestly, this is so easy, even a 10 year old can follow along and implement.
How to easily create promotional check-in material for restaurants to display on their premises
I’ll hand you my fully editable template, as well as step-by-step tutorials, that show you how to edit this template to suit any restaurant using Canva (a free software) – these are so easy to reproduce, but your clients will think you’re a social media magician!
How to do ‘reporting’ to show your clients the impact of your service
Dramatically increased check-ins will have a very obvious impact on revenue. However, I want to make sure every single one of your clients think you walk on water! So, I’ll share with you my secret scripts that show you exactly what to emphasize and highlight, so they are seriously impressed, and would never think of letting you go.
How to run your new FB marketing business part-time
When most of our students start out, there was no way they could just give up their 9-5… they had bills to pay! I’ll show you how to start this business as a ‘side hustle’ with zero budget and zero experience. In fact, this whole venture can be a secret between you and me.
Here’s The Truth : ‘Word Of Mouth’ Advertising Beats Paid Advertising Hands Down…
92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over all forms of advertising (Source: Nielsen)
Simply put, people don’t trust adverts!
A flashy advert or featured post may promote some interest, but most people will think ‘of course they’ll say their own food is the best in town!’ But…
How Much Would It Be Worth It To You To:
- Generate easy recurring clients by doing enjoyable ‘work’ that takes just minutes per day
- Get personal satisfaction as grateful restaurant owners praise you for turning their business around
- Be the envy of your boss and work colleagues when you quit your monotonous, soul-destroying 9-5
- See your partner’s eyes full of love, admiration and respect as you can now provide them and your family real financial security
- Go on vacation, with the freedom, time and money to do whatever you want
- Spend time with the people that matter – work to live, rather than live to work
- Have the confidence to walk into a room full of people as a successful entrepreneur
Honestly, how much? If you knew, with 100% certainty, that you would experience
all of these amazing benefits, how much would you pay?
Hundreds… Thousands… More?
My private students paid me $497 to access this proven system, and every single one made their investment back within 14 days by booking their first client…
They’ve all gone on to make 6 figure annual incomes… all by just following my simple system, and booking one long-term client after another.
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