Ejaculation by command – Lloyd Lester
“WARNING! Premature Ejaculation Can Kill Your Sexual Confidence, Destroy Your Sex Life And Make You Feel Less Of A MAN (And Here’s How To Completely Turn The Tables On PE And Last 20 Minutes Longer Tonight)”
Here’s the true story of how I went from lasting less than 2 minutes in bed… to literally being able to have sex for as long as I wanted to last.
I’ll show you the exact steps and specific directions to help END your problem with premature ejaculation… so you can confidently have sex with your woman and NEVER have to worry about performance anxiety again!
Dear Friend,
Recently I was out with some friends at a local club. There was a group of girls hanging out next to us.
One of the girls… a very attractive woman… kept looking over in my direction.
I looked back at her and smiled.
Within a few minutes, she came over and we started talking. For the next 15 minutes or so… we had a great conversation. She started flirting a little more, touching my arm, and sending me “signals” that she was interested.
One thing led to another and before I knew it… we were back at her place.
Once we got there… we started tearing each others’ clothes off. Honestly, I had one of the best nights of sex I ever had.
She must have felt the same way… because she was moaning and writhing in pleasure for about 40 minutes straight. Afterwards, she told me how good I was in bed. In fact, she told me I was one of the best lovers she ever had.
And it felt good to hear.
Now… if you would have asked me if this was even possible a few years ago, I would have said “No way.”
At One Point, I Wasn’t Very Good In Bed At All…
In fact, there was a time I didn’t feel very confident or comfortable having sex at all.
My problem was… it was over as soon as it started!
It didn’t matter if it was straight sex, oral sex, or anything with friction… I would last about a minute. So I pretty much hated any chance I had to get laid.
I never wanted to talk to women at clubs. I wouldn’t look at women when I went out. I would never put myself in situations where it could possibly lead to meeting someone.
Because of my problem with premature ejaculation, I was more self-conscious and nervous than I was excited about getting laid.
I didn’t want to deal with the same old embarrassment of meeting a woman, getting her in bed, and then having to see the disappointment in her eyes because I came in just one minute flat.
And I felt very alone because of it.
There was a time in my life I would have done anything to last longer in bed… so I could actually feel like a man and please a woman.
The problem was… I had no idea how to do it.
I Had To Learn These Secrets Over
Time… Through Lots Of Trial And Error
For as long as I could remember, premature ejaculation was easily my number one issue in life. And it really tore me apart inside and did a number on my confidence levels.
I’d never feel very manly when I got off before my woman even had a chance to get warmed up.
The first time I ever had sex, I climaxed in about one minute. But I figured that was normal, and in fact, I didn’t care because I was ready to go again in no time.
But as I got older, it got worse. I was still coming in under 3 minutes… but this time, I couldn’t get excited and ready again.
It was VERY frustrating for me because I couldn’t satisfy my partner. So it always left my women wanting more.
And it left me feeling inadequate.
If You Can’t Please Your Woman In Bed…
Then She May Be Thinking Of Leaving
I was always worried and fearful that the women I dated would get sick of it and leave me for other men.
Only after getting TOTALLY FED UP with not knowing how to end my premature ejaculation did I finally make the decision to figure it out for myself.
So I tried the “stop and start” method… but this required a great deal of couple cooperation and communication and it was pretty difficult to use.
I tried the the “squeeze” method too… but this technique actually brought me to climax sooner.
I even tried antidepressants and other SSRIs… but taking these antidepressants actually took away my sex drive completely. So I was actually worse off.
I tried a bunch of different benzocaine creams and sprays that were supposed to deaden my sensations and reduce stimulation.
The biggest problem was… they were messy, expensive, and pretty inconvenient. I had to apply them about 10 minutes before having sex, so that meant I could never have spontaneous sex.
I also tried condoms that had different sensitivity levels… but nothing seemed to work at all.
It took me several years of trial and error, learning from my own mistakes and figuring things out the HARD WAY… but I did it.
How I Discovered The Secrets That
Finally Changed My Sex Life…
I spent years reading and studying all of the books, medical journals, and information on how to prolong sex and not ejaculate so fast.
I discovered that my problem was because of how I was “thinking” about sex.
The fact is… premature ejaculation is almost always caused by too much mental stimulation.
Your mind… NOT your body… controls what happens when you’re about to have sex. So you have to start there if you want to change your situation.
In other words, you MUST first change your thoughts.
Always thinking about your premature ejaculation can lead to performance anxiety.
Getting your thoughts under control will take the PRESSURE off of you. So you won’t ever have to worry about performance anxiety (which makes it even worse).
This performance anxiety… which leads to more pressure, feelings of inadequacy, worry that it will happen again… these are HUGE roadblocks in your brain that you MUST overcome if you want to learn how to control your ejaculation.
How To Overcome Your Fear Of Getting Physical
With Women (Because Of Premature Ejaculation)
The truth is, almost every man has experienced premature ejaculation at one point or another. Especially when you’re young and so excited to finally have sex.
What happened when you first lost your virginity? That’s right, you came so quick, you didn’t even have time to unbutton your pants!
And it was because you “thought” yourself into such a passionate frenzy… you just about came before you even started!
But the thing is, when you’re younger, you can be ready again in 2 minutes. So it’s not as much a problem.
When you’re older, you can’t go multiple times in a row. It’s uncomfortable, and a lot of times, you can’t even get erect again.
Why Some Men Climax Too
Early… And What To Do About It
Let’s face it. Sex is a very exciting thing. But when you get over-stimulated… you’ll simply lose control over your body.
That’s why you have to tackle the root cause of this problem you’re having: Your thoughts!
Believe me… if you REALLY want to stop premature ejaculation PERMANENTLY… you need to train your mind to keep yourself from getting too aroused… too fast.
Fortunately through my own personal struggles with premature ejaculation… and helping many men with theirs… I’ve developed some almost “magical” techniques that help you change the thoughts that lead to premature ejaculation.
When I learned to control the mental aspect of sex… positive changes started happening. I started feeling like I could last longer.
Within 3 weeks of my new experimental routine… I started to last 10 minutes… then 20 minutes… and soon I was up to a whole 30 minutes.
I Was Starting To Feel
Proud of Lasting That Long!
After I learned these things, I created a simple, 3-step formula that helped me last as long as I wanted.
I finally felt more self-confident with women and felt better about myself.
I went from being depressed because of my inability to please a woman… to being confident and proud of having longer-lasting sex… each and every time.
I noticed I wasn’t anxious or worried about ejaculating quickly any more.
Better yet… I became much more outgoing with women, I was no longer fearful about getting myself into a “sex situation”. I started living my life to the fullest.
I honestly felt like the happiest man on earth.
I was able to end the shame, frustration, humiliation and insecurity that was a result of me coming too quickly.
And it won’t take you years or even weeks to learn and use these techniques. You can learn them in minutes and be using them by tonight.
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Just imagine, you’ll never have to worry about the guilt, embarrassment, and anxiety of finishing too soon during sex.
“Train” Yourself To Last As Long As You Want
Have you ever wondered why porn stars seem to have better sexual stamina than the average man?
Well, the truth is, they don’t start out that way. All men, on average, start out with the same timeframe in which they climax and ejaculate.
It’s genetic and hard-wired in each of us.
But porn actors are able to “train and condition” themselves to last longer and prevent an early climax.
They use some of the same mental techniques that I’ve learned and use… the ones I’m going to share with you below.
But that’s not all, they’ve also learned the physical secrets that I’m going to share with you as well.
Transform Yourself Into The Kind Of
“In Control” Man That Women Respect And Admire?
You see… there’s a specific set of muscles that determine how soon you come during sex. In order to change your situation, you must train these muscles to last longer.
Think about this… if you don’t train and keep your abs or biceps in good shape, those areas will never be as strong as you’d like them to be.
BUT here’s the thing… if you don’t know what you’re doing, those ejaculatory muscles will actually make you climax faster!
That’s what they’re meant to do. That’s what they’re genetically hard-wired to do! It’s our genetic way of survival and procreation.
Knowing WHEN and HOW to tense and relax those muscles will give you an almost instant ability to last longer during sex.
The truth is, you can practice certain techniques that will help you last a lot longer.
How To Transform Yourself Into A Man Who
Can KEEP A Woman Sexually Happy
I can’t tell you how often I’ve messed this up in my life… it hurts just to think about it.
The good news is that I’ve personally gone through all of the “trial and error”… and I’ve developed several tried-and-tested techniques that will condition your muscles to let you last as long as you want.
Best of all, you can learn them QUICKLY… and start seeing results as soon as you do.
You’ll be amazed at just how quickly your sex life improves when you take these simple steps.
Remember… it’s not what you know that effects your performance in bed… it’s what you DO.
And I’m going to teach you EXACTLY what to do, so you can be confident in any situation you find yourself in.
Say Goodbye To The One Problem That’s
Holding You Back From Feeling Confident
Because there’s so much conflicting advice online, it can be confusing and frustrating trying to find out what works best to cure premature ejaculation.
There are different sprays or creams you can try. But honestly, these things are very inconvenient. You have to use them around 10 minutes before you have sex. This means you can never have spontaneous, “urge of the moment” sex.
Not only that, the “stop and start” or “holding and squeezing” techniques just don’t approach the problem at the root cause.
Honestly, the things I learned were the total opposite of what everyone else was saying and doing.
They were completely different from most message boards, forums, and so-called Medical reports you read about.
And that’s why I want to tell you about this.
Years of misinformation is why you have the problem you have and feel the way you do.
I Learned That It Wasn’t My
Fault… And It’s Not Your Fault Either…
You’ve been lied to and misled by all the “magic pill” companies out there.
They lead you to believe that you need to use their supplements, pills, sprays, or creams to last longer.
But these things are not focusing on the root cause of the problem. These things are like band-aids, they’re short term fixes that don’t last.
That’s why I can tell you, from personal experience, that you’re NEVER going to learn the truth from the companies that have a pill or supplement to sell you.
Their job is to sell supplements, NOT show you how to get to the root of the problem and solve it permanently and correctly.
That’s Why These Companies
Don’t Want You To Know This
They want you to think that you need to use their products ALL the time. And for years and years.
And I can tell you… you do NOT!
The answer to your problem is INFORMATION that you can use, immediately, that will attack the problem at the root cause, not just mask the symptoms and keep you on sprays and creams for your lifetime.
By using a few of the techniques I’m going to teach you below… you can feel confident knowing that you won’t be coming too soon and letting your woman down again.
Best of all, you won’t have that fear, anxiety, and frustration… you won’t be self-conscious and worried every time you get ready to have sex.
So What Is The Absolute Best Way To Last Longer In Bed?
Let me wrap this up by asking you a few simple questions…
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Have you ever looked forward to a night of great sex, but as soon as the lovemaking began, you climaxed within seconds again? |
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Do you like having sex… but your inability to last is filling you full of anxiety… to the point where you’re actually beginning to dread sex? |
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Do you wish you could last longer and give her the pleasure you know she deserves? |
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Do you ever worry that your woman will cheat on you or leave you for another man that can satisfy her needs in bed… something you just can’t do right now? |
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Have you tried sprays and creams that promise to desensitize your penis… and delay your ejaculation… but you feel uncomfortable using it and telling her to wait 10 minutes so that it could start working? |
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Do you feel inadequate when you come too soon, and even though your woman says it’s okay, you still feel that she’s disappointed in you? |
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Do you get so embarrassed and so self-conscious about your performance that you find any excuse you can to avoid sex? |
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Are you desperate to find a way to end your premature ejaculation, but nothing seems to work. Do you feel you’re wasting the best sexual years of your life simply because you’re too afraid or too embarrassed to ask for help? |
If you answered “YES!” to any or all of these, then I really want to stress to you…
You are NOT alone.
In fact these are the same exact questions that I get from many guys that I’ve worked with over the years… and from learning from my own personal experiences.
Premature ejaculation is something that most guys don’t feel comfortable talking about openly, even with close friends or the family doctor.
So if you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, I’m confident the system you’re going to learn right now will help you!
You’ll Eliminate The Self-Doubt And
FEAR That’s Destroying Your Self-Confidence
How would your life be different right now if you were able to last 20 or 30 minutes in bed? How about an hour?
Would you feel more confident? Would you feel more proud?
You wouldn’t feel so self conscious or nervous because you’re afraid of climaxing too quickly.
Bottom line is… as a man, you want to be able to please your woman. If you don’t feel confident in your abilities… it’s going to come through when you’re close to them.
I should know, that’s been the case for me personally.
I’ve spent the last few years learning everything there is to know about lasting longer in bed and putting an end to my premature ejaculation.
And I was able to come up with some simple tricks that helped me last up to 30 minutes or more in bed, so I started enjoying sex once again.
For a long time my friends have been saying “You have to write a book… You have to write a book…”
So that’s what I’ve done. Over the last few years, I’ve taken everything that’s helped me fix my problem of premature ejaculation… all the tips and techniques I’ve learned over the years… and put them all into a simple resource that you can use.
You can skip the trial and error… because I’ll teach you what works and what definitely doesn’t. I can show you the quickest and most effective ways to last longer in bed.
So if you’re ready to finally say goodbye to the challenges, frustration, and anxiety that’s holding you back from living your life to the fullest… that can ALL change right now…
Here’s How To Enjoy The Kind Of
Sex That You Once Only Dreamed About…
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I’ve taken the time to write down everything that I’ve learned in my new book in plain, easy-to-understand language. I’ve decided to publish the book online and make it available to you for instant download. The book is called “Ejaculation By Command: The Ultimate Blueprint To Superior Sexual Endurance” I’ve learned that most guys do exactly what I used to do: the WRONG things! In my book, I’ll teach you the RIGHT things to do. You’ll never be self conscious in bed again. I can honestly say that learning this will save you a lot of time and frustration. It has for me. This book is full of new ideas all backed by years of my own personal trial and error and my own real world experience. |
Unfortunately, Most Guys That Suffer From PE
Will Never Have This Kind Of Success …
I’m not kidding – I learned all this stuff the hard way. You won’t find these tips or tricks in any other book – I guarantee it.
I’ve decided to publish this manual only as an ‘eBook’… which means that you can download it and start learning these secrets immediately – right from the privacy and comfort of your computer…
Because what I discovered was so amazing and went against everything I had ever heard before… I thought it was important to tell you about it.
And this is exactly why I made this program available. I know how you feel. I’ve been there.
Now that I know what works … you don’t have to search for the answers yourself.
That’s a great feeling. In fact, this is one of the easiest ways to change your life you’ll ever come across. Because this is something you can control. You can do something about it.
Once you’re able to last longer in bed and please your woman like you want to… you’ll never feel embarrassed or self-conscious again.
It takes a lot of weight off your shoulders.