Expanded Intuition Training – Tom Condon
“Expanded Intuition Training by Thomas Condon presents a variety of newly discovered techniques which allow direct dependable access to your intuition. The techniques are specifically applied to decision making, problem solving, enhancing relationships and finding inner guidance.
The new techniqes are unique, in that they come from a synthesis of hypnotherapy, meditative practice and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). In a recent interview, Condon explained their genesis:
“I’d been practicing and teaching hypnosis for a long time when I started to get interested in intuition. So often it seemed that my clients had great intuitions but either ignored and discounted them or didn’t know how to interpret them. I started asking people to dialogue with their ‘gut feelings’, to find out how their gut said ‘yes’, how it said’no’. I found that each person had an inner sensory strategy through which their intuitions communicated.”
Where some people have intuitions through gut feelings, others experience it auditorily (“my little voice told me”) and visually (“in a flash I knew what to do”). Each of these channels have their own way of communicating to the individual. “By tuning in and recognizing these parts, you can bring them forth into your life more consistently. Having been ignored for so long, they are usually very willing.”
The other major set of techniques came from a chance encounter: “Years ago I was given a birthday present of a session with a psychic. Since my background is in psychology I was skeptical but I went through with it just for fun. Well, she nailed me. She zeroed in on events from my life, my family background, current friendships and ongoing conflicts. I was flabbergasted.”
The encounter led to dozens of other psychic readings as Thomas tried to discover if psychics, too, had inner sensory strategies. “Sure enough, they were remarkably consistent. The visual patterns are called ‘clairvoyant’, the auditory ones ‘clairaudient’, the ones for feelings ‘clairsentient’. Each person had their ownway of explaining what they did and their own spiritual orientation but the way they accessed their information was remarkably similar.” This led to a clarification of the techniques that are taught in seminars and on Condon’s Expanded Intuition Training CD Series.
“I’ve tried to make the patterns as simple as possible,” Thomas continues, “This makes them easy to learn and it also means they can be customized to your personal needs. Intuition is like electricity or hypnosis – nobody really knows what it is but it’s immensely useful for all kinds of purposes.”
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