InstaAds Formula – Jeremy Haynes
Full Training Program – Learn How You Can Leverage Instagram Advertising To Make Sales! Start Seeing Results and Grow Your Business.
What You Will Learn
Module 1: Introduction
Introduction to the InstaAds course and trainer Jeremy Haynes.
Module 2: The Types Of Results You Can Get On Instagram
In this module, you’ll understand the types of results you can get on Instagram by understanding “objectives”.
Module 3: Why Instagram Is Important For Advertisers
In this module, you’ll learn why Instagram is an important marketing resource for Advertisers.
Module 4: Types Of Ads
In this module, you’ll learn the 5 most effective types of Instagram ads.
Module 5: Optimizing Your Profile For Success
In this module, you’ll learn why your Profile is one of the most important parts of advertising on Instagram and how to optimize yours for best results.
Module 6: How To Boost Ad Conversions
In this module, you’ll learn the KEY strategies to focus on for getting great results from your Instagram ads.
Module 7: How To Create Instagram Ads
In this module, Jeremy walks you through the technical “how to” process of creating your ads using the Ad Manager.
Module 8: Determining What’s Working And What To Cut
In this module, Jeremy dives into intermediate and advanced training by teaching you what to look for to determine what’s working and what’s not.
Module 9: Automated Rules
In this module, you’ll discover how to leverage Automated Rules to scale faster and with more profit!
Module 10: Conclusion
Jeremy shares some final thoughts to bring the course to a close.