Copywriter Blueprint – Jon Benson
“More Money Has Been Made By This Blueprint Than Any I’ve Ever Created…Now You Can Learn It From Me Live”
Read On If You’re Dead Serious About Become A Word Alchemist…An Avatar Mind-Reader…Someone So Potent With Wordsmithing You Could Persuade Tony Robbins To Take Up Mime In 500 Words Or Less…And Double, Even Triple Your Earning Potential
Over the past 12 years of writing copy that pulled in over $1 Billion in revenue I learned a few tricks.
More than that…I created a Blueprint for other copywriters to follow.
One that help you write epic copy consistently.
Copy that sells time and time again.
Copy that can give you the lifestyle you dream about when you let your mind picture it.
( Yeah, that lifestyle. : )
I’m Jon Benson, creator of the video sales letter (VSLs), creator of Email CopyPro, and your instructor for The Copywriter Blueprint.
It’s a system of approaching any copywriting project that ensures you do it faster and your copy converts.
And copy that converts makes you more money.
Lands you more gigs by word-of-mouth alone.
Gives you the confidence to write for others as well as yourself.
The level of success I experience is repeatable.
And it comes down to a six-step Blueprint I follow day in and day out.
Tested over and over AND OVER again and proven to work.
It’s a Blueprint That Consistently
Makes Copywriters More Money
And to be flat-out honest: one that will make you a better copywriter no matter how good you are right now.
Not because I’m better than you (I may not be.)
Not because I’m super-human.
Not because I’m some fucking marketing guru.
It’s because SYSTEMS WORK…
Open to interpretation and creative input.
Made to improve upon.
Made to evolve into YOU and your style.
Those are the systems that create winners.
Almost every time.
Not every time.
If anyone promises you that, they’re a liar and you should run for the hills.
But this is by ‘far’ the most consistent Blueprint for copywriting success I’ve ever seen or taught.
Only 30 spots are available. Check the top of this page to see how many spots are left.
And if you want in see if you qualify below.
We’ve mostly sold out so I’m only taking applications from serious copywriters at this point…
Borderline Criminal Levels Of Persuasion Skills Will Get Crammed Into Your Brain… And Some Sweet Freebies Come Along For The Ride…
- WEEK 1: The 4 Quadrants Of Persuasion — I could charge $5K for this training ALONE. Why? Because once you see the underlying code behind THE most successful sales letters, emails, VSLs, ads, and more you’ll probably laugh yourself wet. It’s so subtle yet so game-changing I should charge 10% residuals for life just for teaching it to you.
- WEEKS 2-7: The 6 Yes Angles: Foundational Copywriting Redefined — Let’s not kid ourselves. Your goal is to get a many Yeses as humanly possible. Each sentence should inspire a nod of the head in the up and down directions. Even a few “YES”s out loud. Once you master the 4 Quadrants we’ll move into the HOW to use them in six specific ways. Every letter and every piece of copy you write must cut different angles in order to get the most amount of yeses. Picture a UFC fighter — it’s all about cutting angles. Zig where you expect a zag. Do this with words and you’ll close a prospect before they even see the price. This is NEW FOUNDATION of copywriting for 21st century social media-driven distraction buyers…so you best learn it fast.
- WEEK 8: Q&A Marathon — Pretty much exactly what it sounds like… just with more surprises. : )
- BONUS #1: Access to (Version 1.0) — We stand on the precipice. About to release what thousands of marketers “think” is Email CopyPro 3.0. But I’m about to toss a slider right over the outside corner and give everyone FAR MORE than they expect. It’s the birth of – and the start of copywriters like you working with AI and smart software to sell more copy, improve your chops, and stay ahead of the looming AI boom. You’ll get free access. If you’ve paid for Email CopyPro before, you get this free anyway…but I’m including a personal Copy Blueprint Creation Tour JUST for those inside this course.
- BONUS #2: Access to Sellerator VSL — Yep, giving you the classic. The $1 Billion and counting VSL Formula and software used by thousands of marketers to create their VSLs. Some of the best persuasion training I’ve ever created. It’s yours.
- BONUS #3: Access to The Samurai Copywriting Intensive — 20 copywriters paid me $20,000 each to come to my Malibu beach house a few years ago for three days of badass otherworldly copy downloads. Guests were insane: John Carlton, Jay Abraham, Vin DiCarlo, and countless others. We recorded it, naturally. And I’m giving you the recordings. We sell these only by REQUEST (not even on a sales page; top secret stuff; no bullshit) for $5,000, which is more than you’ll pay to even join the Blueprint.
Got What It Takes To Make It Past My Guard Dogs?
You’re going to have to qualify below to get in. As you’ll see, the qualification questions are serious, so make sure you are too.
We’ll be doing two sessions per week each lasting about an hour. Show up live. Make the time. IF you have to miss a session, they will be recored.
This is closed-door training. No one else is allowed into the virtual classroom.
And yes, it’s live.
With me.
No bullshit.
16 hours of coaching over 8 weeks.
The same Blueprint used to generate my $50M Sales Letter Formula.
The same Blueprint behind Email CopyPro’s Niche Creator.
The same Blueprint the best marketers out there will swear by.
Click below to reserve your spot before all 30 seats are taken.
P.S. There are some things in life that require thoughtful decisions.
This isn’t one of them.
For what I’m charging I should lose my reputation.
There’s a method behind the madness however as you will see.
For now…consider this your lucky day — if you want to earn more from copywriting gigs and create a sustainable copywriting business that can help you create the lifestyle you richly deserve.
Listen to what Perry Belcher, co-owner of Digital Marketer and billion-dollar copywriter has to say about The Copywriter Blueprint…
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