VSL Fast Track 2018 – Jon Benson
The Godfather Of The VSL Reveals His #1 Money-Making Tip When It Comes To Online Sales
An Offer That Spreads Virally And How To Create One
I’m Jon Benson Creator of The Video Sales Letter And One Of Three $1B Copywriters…
If you want to make more sales and more money online you really must use video, but not just any video.
Video Sales Letters (VSLs) designed from the ground up to run virally on its own and trigger the innermost desire of your customers to buy, all spending zero dollars on traffic and having affiliates seek you out.
The mechanism that triggers the desire to buy is found on this page…
( See if you can spot it : )
And the viral power of these VSLs are built-in so you don’t have to think about it.
Did you know that over 30% of purchases now happen after watching a viral VSL?
That’s over $15B every year!
Haven’t you wondered how all those marketers are making millions using “ugly VSLs”?
Now you know: they go viral. And unlike viral cat videos these VSLs pull in cash .
Now you probably want one for yourself… however:
You’re stuck because you know next to nothing about crafting an out-of- the-gate cash-grabbing VSL.
One that lets you generate new customers on auto-pilot .
One that would put an end to your financial worries .
One that would spread your message to the world using what I call “Viral NLP”.
What’s “Viral NLP”?
“Neuro-Linguistic Programming” (NLP) combined with viral persuasion tactics to create a video that is shared and spreads like a scrub brush wildfire.
Sounds complicated and on your own it would be impossible, however my 5-Step Formula gets it done for you automatically.
I even give you the exact words and phrases to use on every important slide.
I understand you haven’t had access to this level of Samurai persuasion until today, so before we go any further I want you to rest assured:
The fact you have been missing out on the revenue
and lifestyle you deserve is not your fault…
Here’s why:
For starters you’ve never even heard about Viral NLP or Viral VSLs until now .
Only my Sellerator VIP customers know about this, and my $100K copywriting clients.
You’re about to have it all exposed to you today and that’s epic.
However there’s another reason:
The online world is specifically designed to make you believe that you need expensive courses or professional copywriters or “funnel hackers” to make you to succeed, and has revealed nothing until now about Viral Persuasion within video sales letters.
You’ve probably heard a million opinions about the best way to sell your product or service, and I’m willing to bet that you’ve had your fair share of free advice ( usually worth about what you paid for it : )
The end result? You’re more confused and frustrated than you are wealthy.
There are hundreds of funnel experts out there…
Hundreds of copywriting experts…
Thousands of expensive and useless marketing wizzes promising push-button wealth from everything from bots to Amazon riches…
And there are even very famous students of mine teaching half- assed versions of this Formula.
Just this week one of them promoted VSL training that I taught them!
So you can get 50% from my students or 100% from me .
I’m going to reveal the most tested and proven system on earth that walks anyone through a simple step-by-step process to quickly create A “Viral Cash-Cow” VSL
A blueprint created specifically for online marketers and non-copywriters by the “Godfather” of the VSL and the originator of Viral VSLs.
I can show you my great months, but I’m going to show you my bad months:
This is what viral VSL’s can do. What you’re looking at is a screen capture taken on that date. As you can see, it is extremely recent (July 7, 2018).
And this is just one Video Sales Letter for one e-book. I could show you seven, but I’m going to show you one. The total sales for this period of time was roughly $29,000 . Not too shabby.
But I want you to notice something. That was down 47.92% , or almost half .
In other words, I do much better than that during other months . In fact, you can see that right here in this graph that shows the ups and downs.
On average, this is the lowest point, and I took this shot for a reason: to show you the power of viral VSL’s.
Have a look in the bottom right corner… You can see Google Android, YouTube, OutlookLive. Check this out. That number $1,333 is generated from my top affiliate.
I don’t even know who that person is. That affiliate found my product because the VSL went viral .
766 sales from Google, 535 from YouTube, 184 from Outlook. When you do the math, my organic sales are higher than my top affiliate.
And that affiliate found me because they wanted to sell my product, not because I asked them to. Those sales are even more than the ones from my own list.
My organic sales are bigger than my top affiliate (And I never had to “find” that affiliate… they found me).
It’s because of My 5-Step Viral VSL Formula.
Listen, you could go out there and read every book, study every course, attend every event ever created on selling and persuasion before you feel like you know enough to finally create a Viral VSL…
OR… You could watch 7 short videos that condenses everything I know about creating viral VSLs.
2 hours and 21 minutes that covers my Viral 5-Step Formula, that gets you a VSL to sell any product or service without needing paid traffic.
And hey… if you can afford traffic you’ll do even better (you just don’t need paid traffic).
This is basic stuff without fluff or BS, just raw information and an easy-to-implement viral VSL blueprint to help you crank out a viral video sales letter in no time flat.
Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll discover…
The most ruthless yet ethical way to sell your product or service that opens the door to any prospect in any physical, mental, emotional, or even financial state.
Your video will be shared by others without even trying.
Just picture in your mind what these viral language patterns will do for your sales.
You can triple your interested prospects with no additional traffic or ad costs at all… zero!
The covert persuasion tactic of The Hero Study and how it levels the playing field no matter your experience or credentials in your niche or market and increases conversions by up to 75%.
The 2,200-year-old persuasion secret of easy vs simple and how this one simple 3-minutes-to-apply tip will change the way you deliver your sales pitch forever due to the results you’ll see in your profits instantly.
How to qualify your prospects so you only land the customers who: LOVE YOU, INVEST IN YOU, and RAVE ABOUT YOU.
Then you’ll receive my Samurai closing tactic code-named: Emphasize X
So under-the-radar your prospects will buy faster and your customers will keep on buying from you.
You’ll be let in on the surprisingly simple tactic of the Price Tease and the Faux Price .
This is the reason your price point may be way off and why you’re probably charging too little cash.
Apply this and you can make more for 30 seconds of effort.
You’ll see how to automatically create a deep desire to buy from you using “Feature Studies” and the secret selling power of The 1 Reason Why .
This is something virtually no marketer is doing and it’s costing them a fortune in lost sales and is the really big secret behind the power of Viral NLP.
Apply this one technique and you can earn more from every transaction you make.
The Triple Guarantee (it’s not what you think)
Hint: It costs you nothing yet increases conversions by a measured 28%…
Exactly how to get testimonials and the secret place to put them in your VSL.
This one tip takes a minute to make and has doubled sales on the last 5 case study VSLs I’ve done!
This alone is worth 20X what you’ll invest today.
The sales-cranking power of the Super-Bonus .
How to position it and how to create it without any additional work.
How to make your checkout process frictionless .
Over 80% of all online sales are lost the moment your prospect hits your checkout page.
These are interested buyers hitting checkout friction and bailing before they pay.
This tip can reduce shopping cart abandonment by up to 35%. That’s 35% FREE MONEY .
How to inspire immediate action to buy and why this is really what you prospect really wants, and why they will share your VSL with their friends and spread your sales message virally…
That’s just a tiny slice of all the juicy cash-creating tidbits you’re about to have virtually downloaded directly into your brain when you partner with me today.
Now you must get this:
No One Else Teaches This Stuff
You See: I Invented The Video Sales Letter And This 5-Step Formula.
Just 9 short years ago VSLs didn’t even exist.
Everyone sold their products and services online using far less effective text sales letters.
I did a lot of YouTube-style video marketing 9 years ago and went nowhere with it.
Then after a long week stressful work and not shaving I didn’t feel like showing my face on camera so… I got this crazy idea.
I decided to make a simple sales page like this one and I loaded it with sales psychology tactics I learned in college and during 14 years in the advertising field.
Then I just read my slides like I’m reading these now.
While it was really ugly… and all my friends made fun of it… and everyone said “no way that will ever work!”… my sales increased by 300% overnight.
That was the birth VSL marketing and it’s now a $15B annual industry.
Well due to the success of that very first VSL, every “guru” in the world who didn’t know my name a month prior wanted to hire me to write a VSL for them.
I charged $25,000 at first.
Then $50,000.
Then $75,000.
And before I retired, over $100,000 for 1 VSL.
Here’s just a handful of the checks folks have written to me for ONE Viral VSL… there are hundreds of other checks … you get the message.
So when I reveal the pathetically tiny investment you’ll gladly make today in a few minutes, keep those prices in mind because this will give you the exact same value.
Eventually I was hired by a $100M marketing company to come teach my VSL secrets to their team of copywriters.
I sorted through years of experience and dozens of VSLs and reverse engineered my own methods only to discover:
There Was a “Viral” 5-Step Formula
Behind Every Winner…
Truth is: I accidentally crafted this 5-Step Formula and it works in spite of me!
( It’s Idiot-Proof : )
Let me be blunt: A 5-Step Formula that lets you effortlessly make VSLs that F…..G SELL .
The $100 Million Dollar guys were blown away.
And I know you will be too.
That team went on to create dozens of multi-million dollar VSL profit machines using this same exact 5-Step Formula.
And starting today you’re about to be a fly on their money wall , ethically listening in on 20 of the top marketers in the world as you get to witness that $2,500 per person VSL masterclass session for yourself…
And leverage all of the secrets I revealed to that $100M company for less than a family dinner .
Introducing Jon Benson’s
VSL Fast Track Formula
The Fastest Way Possible to a Mega-Profit Viral VSL
It’s paint-by-numbers simple , and it’s guaranteed to work .
Imagine this: Finishing a viral VSL in a single afternoon rather than weeks or months and having it online earning you cash in a few days from right now.
You rest easy knowing your VSL will pull in the big sales because you used the only VSL Formula with over $1 Billion in sales for my clients and customers.
A “script” can’t touch this sucker. Pretty software isn’t needed.
If you want the only billion-dollar blueprint there’s only one place to get it: RIGHT HERE ON THIS PAGE NOW
The time-tested sales formula used by thousands of marketers that saves you thousands upon thousands of dollars because you stop wasting time and cash on marketing bullshit and fly-by-night gimmicks that flat-out let you down.
Think of it like this:
Using The VSL Fast Track Formula no one else will ever hold the keys to your financial future, EXCEPT YOU .
No stressing over buying traffic ( unless you wanna : )
Now free organic traffic can stream in daily simply by reposting on sites like Facebook and YouTube.
Give it time and affiliates will find you and sell for you.
That is true power.
Remember: I never had to find my largest affiliate to earn almost $30K a month from ONE viral VSL (and I have far more than one).
All the top marketers agree:
This is the best training on planet earth for VSLs and selling anything using Viral NLP.