User Experience Facilitation – Jose Caballer
Jose Caballer is a creative entrepreneur, designer, facilitator, amateur chef, and meditation enthusiast. Today he combines his 20 years of design and businesses experience with his passion for teaching and trains thousands of professionals on webinars and in workshops worldwide.
Jose studied graphic design at Art Center College of Design and was then schooled by the .COM boom at Razorfish one of the first Digital Agencies in the 90’s. In 2001 he started his own pirate ship called The Groop a digital agency he ran for 11 years. There he got his “Street MBA” and got to work with diverse creative clients such as Al Gore, Jamie Oliver, Thomas Keller, Alice Waters, corporate clients like Disney and Nike and over 30 startups including MySpace and One Drop.
Today he combines his 20 years of design and businesses experience with his passion for teaching and trains thousands of professionals on webinars and in workshops worldwide.
What’s Inside:
StartGet Started
Module 1
StartCORE Masterclass – User Experience (99:24)
Module 3
StartCORE Masterclass- UX Patterns (41:49)
Module 4
StartCORE Masterclass- Story (30:38)
Module 5
StartCORE Masterclass- Anchors (34:33)
Module 6
StartCORE Masterclass- Agreements (57:16)
Module 7
StartCORE Masterclass- Validation.mp4 (87:52)
Bonus Material
StartCORE Masterclass- Facilitation Techniques (30:20)
StartCORE Masterclass- Towards a New UX Design Culture (87:52)
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