He’s Really That Into You, He’s Just Not Ready – Katarina Phang
The Ebook: He’s Really That Into You, He’s Just Not Ready
Why Is Katarina The Rain Maker With 301 Engagements And Counting Under Her Belt In The Past Six Years? And How Does She Receive Over 3000 Testimonials From All Over The World That Will Be Compiled Into A Series Of Books Since The Publication Of This Life-Changing Ebook?
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Imagine Being So Totally Confident With Him Wooing And Courting You. Imagine A Passionate Relationship In Which You Never Have To Guess About How He Feels About You. And Discover Why The Man You Love Isn’t Fully Committing Or Shy Away From Labeling Your Relationship Even Though He’s Into You Or Said He Loved You… And The One Secret That Reaches Even The Most Distant Man’s Heart! YES,You Will Learn The Emotional Hot Buttons To A Man’s Heart That Even Himself Might Not Be Aware Of. The Principles In This Unique Ebook Will Make You Such An Irresistible Goddess That You Will Have A Hard Time Choosing One Out Of Many Attractive Guys Who Are Competing For Your Love And Affection. The Same Principles Make Me The Most Successful Dating/Relationship Coach In The Business With AMAZINGLY CONSISTENT Result Day After Day Whatever Your Situation Is.
Please be informed before you touch the payment button that all sales are final. You’ll be helped to access your product(s) but we don’t refund. And if you’re directed to PayPal DO NOT PROCEED, instead please email me us at [email protected] to inform us and if you want to pay with PayPal, we will send you an invoice for the time being. And Katarina doesn’t work with disrespectful, combative, aggressive, pushy, bossy, angry and entitled women so if you’re one of them please look somewhere else. She is the Last Resort for a reason, only when you’re ready to be receptive, respectful and humble yourself to learn from the world’s Very Best/Miracle Worker should you buy anything on this website. Please research her first before buying anything, she has tons of free stuff around so you can gauge her expertise and knowledge. Only real students of hers need to buy anything from her (by “real” it means that they’re ready to surrender to her leadership and teaching process). She’s a straight shooter who will tell you the roots of your problem with men without sugar coating and if you’re not ready you’re going to be very triggered by what she has to say. However, if you’re ready she will turn your situation overnight and you’ll get to save tons of time and money and learn life’s ultimate lessons you won’t find anywhere else. Thank you for understanding and cooperating.
How to Create Intense Attraction With A Man that Makes Him Want to Be Close to You
Ebook plus Bonuses with 20 Min Skype and Two-Week Email Coaching
- With only $197 you get so much training, reconditioning and ongoing personal support from myself and my fabulous support group till you ARRIVE!!
Ebook plus Bonuses with Two-Week Email Coaching
- With only $147 you get so much training, reconditioning and ongoing personal support from myself and my fabulous support group till you ARRIVE!!
Ebook plus Bonuses Without Any Coaching But Support Group Membership
You can add $100 within 6 months of purchase if you need the email coaching, or $160 for both email and 20 min Skype coaching.
- With only $67 you get so much training, reconditioning and ongoing personal support from my fabulous support group till you ARRIVE!!
Ebook plus Bonuses Two-Week Email Coaching in 2 Installments
- No woman left behind. Everyone can get my coaching. Pay $57 now and you’ll get to download the ebook without the bonuses and if that’s what you can afford right now you can cancel the plan (you will still get lifetime support group membership, the value of which you can’t underestimate), otherwise you can let it continue for the next installment of $89 two weeks later to claim your bonuses and email coaching, and/or then 2 weeks later for your 30 min Skype (note: 30 minutes instead of 20 minutes). if you decide on this later within 6 months it’ll be $120 and $180 respectively.
STOP PRESS: A Brand New 10-Week Course (20 hours) on the bestselling EBOOK for those who are so sick of the “string-along” and being in limbo!!! The result of this course so far is 2 engagements (one of them got married recently) and one participant claimed by her uber alpha EUM (see below). You don’t want to miss this enlightening course based on the ebook taught by me and my trained coaches who are some of my star students. Receive a 30-min private session ON TOP with me or 1 hour with Coach Dasha/Tasha valued at $300. Use coupon code 100OFF till Feb 16, 2020. You’ll also get an expanded content that is not in the ebook like: “The Art of Getting Turned Off.”
EUM ECourse 2 installments
- With only $425/month you’ll get the only course in the world to deal with EUM and non-committal men with unheard of and documented astonishing results!!
Ladies, are you tired being strung along in a label-less relationship because he’s not ready or is not sure if he ever wants to be in relationship? You can’t get out either because you are emotionally hooked on him? Do you miss and crave his presence all the time you end up chasing him…and AWAY? Or are you getting nauseated that every time you meet a new guy he says he doesn’t want a relationship yet he keeps coming back and pursuing you?
Are you left so confused and vulnerable by him blowing hot and cold and giving you all sorts of conflicting messages? Does he display signs of emotional unavailability that drives you absolutely nuts? Do you feel that everything is on his terms and the more you want to be with him, the less and less you hear from him and the farther and farther away he’s pulling away?
Do you know what makes or how to make an emotionally unavailable man fall deeply in love if there is such thing?
If so, you are not alone! Millions of women face the same predicament every day and they are wasting precious time and energy pining for a guy who may never commit to them. It is painful and humiliating.
Every day I deal with women with the same issues, over and over again. They email me privately or ask questions on my Facebook Wall and heated discussions on the subject will start to ensue. Personally, I’m dealing with the same situations myself from time to time.
In fact I was a man chaser many years ago. I was young and naive. I thought I could control a man’s interest by showing him how assertive I was by relentlessly chasing him! I could never attract a masculine man with my aggressiveness, no matter how much initial attraction he had for me in the beginning. I always managed to turn him off.
I even managed to really humiliate myself one day when I was stranded in a foreign country for a week because I was so impatient and wanting to be in control of the courting (instead letting the guy do that) I practically invited myself to go there to visit him.
He made a convenient excuse as soon as I arrived that he couldn’t see me right away because he was engaged in “a very important and emergency matter” somewhere “up north.” I was in limbo for the whole week waiting around and kept checking my emails expecting a word from him. We did meet and two hours later he disappeared again into thin air.
Sounds eerily familiar to you now, doesn’t it?
Truth is men don’t like to be controlled or chased. It’s a total TURN OFF, no matter how gorgeous and sexy you are. They will like it for about five minutes before slowly but surely pulling away. If you have been in that situation more times than you care to remember, you have to keep reading because your life will never be the same again after you listen to what I’m going to tell you!
Then one day -through much soul-searching, trial and tribulation- I just figured out what really works in triggering intense attraction in men. One day I deciphered the one key I need that unlocks the secret to a man’s HEART. This is WHY I could never be with a guy I was truly attracted to: the masculine-energy type.
This book is a culmination of all my reflection, work and personal journey with men that have been brewing for years and years, especially after my extremely excruciating split from my ex husband. It’s time to share all I know with all of you, lovely ladies!
Imagine how much time and heartache you will save by knowing all these things at a very young age if you are still in your 20’s or younger! The title might indicate emotionally unavailable men (EUM) as the main target, but the principles in this book WORK WITH ANY MAN. If you can deal with EUM, you can deal with ANY man.
This is the ultimate guide to dating emotionally unavailable men and how to turn that around to your advantage. Hence, this is in fact the ultimate guide to dating for modern women period.
In fact, my boyfriend whom I met right after I published this book (it’s surprising how the universe works, right?) is so emotionally available and we have been having the most functional and most fulfilling relationship of our lives. He tells me everyday how much he loves me and how much I mean to him. He’s EVERYTHING I want in a man and vice versa. It takes one to know one. That’s what the full understanding of key principles to attraction as propagated in this program will prepare and bring you as well. And I call this a PROGRAM because your journey won’t end when you read the last page of the book. I’ll be by your side and personally guide you through emails as well as my exciting private groups. You won’t find the same ongoing after-sale service with any other program out there. I am COMMITTED to your personal growth.
And only when you have truly GROWN as a person, you can truly be happy in a relationship and you will attract the SAME QUALITY of men as well because you will be STRONG, SMART and CONFIDENT enough to walk away from any man and a relationship that doesn’t serve you. No more pining. No more prolonged suffering and heartbreak. Instead he’ll be the one who YEARNS to be with you because you are a HIGH-VALUE WOMAN that any man seeks for commitment.
When I first met my boyfriend I knew early that he would fall for me so deeply. After my emotionally unavailable man (EUM), I just was at the point that I knew any guy who found me attractive would be so hooked on me. That’s why he rushed to claim me because he knew if he didn’t some other guy would. And it’s not because of my looks. It’s my character and personality. It’s because I’m emotionally free and not needing anyone to complete me. I don’t need any man to be other than himself. Intuitively I knew what worked with men thanks to my EUM. As I said, if you can deal with EUM, you can deal with ANY man. Any man after him will be easy. I now have this one-million dollar secret for women everywhere in the world. So again, don’t run away from these men. School yourself…just like I did and stick to the principles I teach in the book. You won’t hear this from any other coach but my method is proven. It works like magic.
Discover A Life-Changing Breakthrough That Makes Even The Most Distant, Withdrawn And Emotionally Cold Men Finally Commit To You… Without Manipulation, Playing Games Or Having to Force Anything On Him.
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Falling For Mr. Unavailable? Be A Man Magnet Instead of A Man Chaser
Get It For $147 Without The 20-Min Skype Coaching And Still Get My Two-Week Email Coaching !!!
(Please understand this is more than buying an ebook with very little result as you have perhaps been doing before finding me, because you’ll get to work with me, the world’s Top Coach on fixing relationships, with a very minimum rate –and please beware prices will continue to go up thanks to the increasingly high demand for my help):
This book will feel counter-intuitive to you and very radical in its approach. But it works!! You won’t find this treasure of advice anywhere else. My system works because, again, it’s not about manipulation. It’s not about some generic relationship advice you’ve heard countless of times that you find in almost any other relationship ebooks that never really works. It’s about transforming yourself to become the best FEMININE woman a man can possibly have. You will be so secure that you won’t have a problem walking away knowing that he will feel A GREAT LOSS; knowing that he will have sleepless nights thinking that he may never find a woman like this ever again!!
What You Will Get With This Ebook/Starter Kit
How much is your investment for a new life? It’s incredibly affordable. It’s only $197 including coaching. How much does it cost for a counseling session with a marital therapist/relationship coach? It starts from 100-150/hr!! Right, with only $197 you get so much training, reconditioning and ongoing personal support from the World’s Most Successful Relationship Coach till you ARRIVE!! In fact I believe that this system is UNIQUE and you won’t find anything QUITE like this out there. The ebook is only a small portion of the whole program. Thousands of women have gained so much through this program with the bonuses that are included with the purchase:
- Two weeks unlimited email coaching in which I will guide you step by step on what to do with your current situations so you’ll come out of the coaching a new and empowered woman. (VALUE: $300) You can remove both this email and Skype coaching and get the same package for $67 (you can within 6 months email me and pay $90 for the 2-week email coaching and $140 for both email and Skype coaching).
- A lifetime membership to my Facebook private groups so you can discuss all your issues safely and privately and let other wonderful ladies help you to become a secure high-value woman that captivates a man’s heart and devotion. Here’s where I share my most private relationship issues. (VALUE: $50/month)
- Twenty minutes of Skype session (VALUE: $200), Imagine a few minutes of talk with me will instill some great sense and relief into you so you can tread with much more clarity!! You can remove this and get the same package for $147.
- A new brain. That’s a joke :), but I’m also serious. Your life will never be the same again after learning the principles in this book (VALUE: PRICELESS) .
- FREE LIVE Teleclass/Webinar on most pressing relationship issues possibly with different dating coaches and/or expert guests (VALUED AT $87/webinar). Available now:
- What Is Convenience Relationship And How Not To Fall Into This Trap
- Why Do Women Hang Onto Relationship Past Its Expiry Date (Keisha’s breakup story, she’s now back with her sweetheart after signing up for every cycle of Journey Inward and the Leaning Back Workshop)
- How To Keep the Attraction Alive After You get Your EUM to Step Up or Your Ex Back
- How To Overcome Anxiety And Triggers Without Pushing Him Away
- It Takes One Person To Save A Relationship And It Starts With Taking Charge Of Your Mind
ALL FOR $197 ONLY (TOTAL VALUE: $1135)!!
And With More Content Everyday and Excellent Personal Support You Won’t Find Anywhere Else From Me!
It’s An Incredibly Small Investment To A More Fulfilling Love Life And Relationship In Which You Feel Loved And Cherished Because He’s So In Love With You And Can Never Let You Go
Ebook plus Bonuses with 20 Min Skype and Two-Week Email Coaching
- With only $197 you get so much training, reconditioning and ongoing personal support from myself and my fabulous support group till you ARRIVE!!
Ebook plus Bonuses with Two-Week Email Coaching
- With only $147 you get so much training, reconditioning and ongoing personal support from myself and my fabulous support group till you ARRIVE!!
Ebook plus Bonuses Without Any Coaching But Support Group Membership
You can add $100 within 6 months of purchase if you need the email coaching, or $160 for both email and 20 min Skype coaching.
- With only $67 you get so much training, reconditioning and ongoing personal support from my fabulous support group till you ARRIVE!!
Ebook plus Bonuses Two-Week Email Coaching in 2 Installments
- No woman left behind. Everyone can get my coaching. Pay $57 now and you’ll get to download the ebook without the bonuses and if that’s what you can afford right now you can cancel the plan (you will still get lifetime support group membership, the value of which you can’t underestimate), otherwise you can let it continue for the next installment of $89 two weeks later to claim your bonuses and email coaching, and/or then 2 weeks later for your 30 min Skype (note: 30 minutes instead of 20 minutes). if you decide on this later within 6 months it’ll be $120 and $180 respectively.
How She Got Him Back By Shifting Her Vibe And Cultivating Her Feminine Magnetism™
I hadn’t even officially launched it when a few women who were my loyal fans were already signing up to read my book. And they all reported something positive just instantly with their men.
Their men began to chase them again.
If you see the pictures below, The women who come to me are mostly very attractive women. If you think about it, how can men shun them, right? It shows that men are very forgiving about looks. It’s not your looks that makes them hooked on you. It’s your feminine essence, inner beauty and the energy that you brings out. Raise your energetic frequency and you will attract any man you like (so long he finds you physically attractive).
This book will reveal the secret how a man connects to you emotionally. Emotional attraction is about triggering a man’s masculinity. And you can only do that when you are strong in your femininity as well.
Access Download He’s Really That Into You, He’s Just Not Ready – Katarina Phang right now!
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