If you’re looking to create a successful information product from scratch (aka take your current knowledge and turn it into high priced training products that people are guaranteed to buy), then you’ve come to the right place.
Hi I’m Eben Pagan and I’m the founder and creator of over 10 different information products and publishing companies that I’ve built to over $1 million dollars online. 4 of them to over $10 million.
Collectively, I’ve sold about $100 million dollars worth of information products and services online to date and my businesses continue to thrive to this day.
Most importantly, I’ve now taught tens of thousands of people around the world how to build successful information products and businesses that give them the freedom and flexibility that they want…
And today, I’d like to help you do the same, by giving you the exact system I’ve used (and still use today) to create all my successful million dollar information products to date…
I call it my “Product Plan” and it’s a comprehensive step by step system for creating profitable information products from scratch.
In simplest terms, an information product is any piece of knowledge that has been recorded down and sold — whether that be in forms of print, audio, video or other multimedia.
video training
audio books
online classes
coaching programs
Information products can also be in the forms of services such as one-on-one coaching, personal training, and even conferences.
So whether you want to create a ‘tangible’ product like a book or video program… or you have a service like personal coaching…
Product Plan will give you the exact blueprint for outlining, creating, packaging, and positioning your information in a way that guarantees people will buy it and buy it for high prices
(in contrast to spending months working on your book or product or program only to have no one buy)
Now if you are creating your first information product from scratch, this will give you a step by step system for creating one RIGHT way that actually guarantees that people will want to buy…
If you already own an existing information product, you’ll discover how to refine your product to grow your sales and income…
If you own a coaching or consulting practice, you’ll learn how to package your information in a way where you can sell it again and again (you’ll also learn how to position your expertise to charge higher prices)
Unlike other programs teaching you how to create information products, Product Plan is based on real world experience and results. Everything I’m teaching you inside this program, I’ve tested, refined and proven to work.
Remember, I’ve used this exact ‘product plan’ to create all my successful information products. Tens of thousands of students around the world have used this plan to create successful information products too, with no prior experience whatsoever.
Bottom line: The system in this program is proven. It’s not up for debate. Whether it works for you is ONLY up to your ability to implement what you learn.
And don’t worry, I’m going to take you by the hand and walk you through the entire system step by step and make sure you do. I’ve done it before for thousands of students before, and I’ll do it for you as well.
Product Plan was originally a 3 day LIVE seminar I did where people invested over $997 dollars to attend…
I had a professional production crew film and record the entire thing and turned it into a home-study course you can enjoy from the comfort of your home, at you own pace, and in the learning modality (style) you learn best…
Inside you’ll get
11 Jam Packed Video Training Sessions (each session is approximately an hour long)
Detailed PDF Summaries For Each Session
Practical Real World Exercises to implement what you learn fast
Inside this program, you’ll learn about the art, science and psychology of turning information into high value products that people will pay a lot of money for.
Session 1:What Your Prospect Values & Pays For
Session 2:Applying Knowledge To NEEDS
Session 3:Your Customer’s Secret Question
Session 4:The Customer Magnet: Your “Magic Bullet Technique
Session 5:Thinking Like Your Customer
Session 6:Can Compassion Transform Your Business
Session 7:Crystal Clear Communication (and How Most Experts Mess It Up)
Session 8:Coaching For Marketing Research
Session 9:Opening The Communication Portal
Session 10:Organize Your Concepts & Increase Their Appeal
Session 11:Naming Your Concepts & Outlining Your Products
Like I mentioned before, the Product Plan was originally a 3 day LIVE seminar that people invested over $997 dollars to attend…
And that’s not including air fare, lodgings, transportation, and other travel costs…
So the price attendees happily paid to be there was closer to $1500-$2000 dollars as reasonable estimate…
Why would they pay this much to be there? Because they knew that they were going to make back their investment MANY TIMES fold…
And if you think about it, it wasn’t a hard investment to make back…
Let’s imagine the average attendee learned how to create an information product and sold it for $197…
All it took was 20 sales to make back their entire investment
Now you might be thinking that $197 is a little too high (which it really isn’t when you know how to position your information for high value… something you’ll learn in Product Plan)…
So let’s imagine instead that they sold it for $47…
That just 43 sales to make back their full investment! Which many attendees did after right after leaving the event…
So the question is: Can YOU make 43 sales with a great product? Can you sell 43 books or training programs?
Of course you can with a great product and that’s what I’m going to show you how to create.
Except here’s the best part, you won’t need to make 43 sales to make back your investment
Because the Product Plan is not $2000
It’s not $997 that attendees originally paid to get in
It’s not even half of that…
As of today, the Product Plan is yours for just one small payment of $297, $197.
That’s it.
That’s only 4 SALES at $47 dollars and you’ve made back your investment.
Now that I guarantee you can do.