Healing Complicated Grief With Creative Arts Therapies
Archive : Healing Complicated Grief With Creative Arts Therapies
(8 Self-study, CE contact hours for LCATs in New York State.)
Most likely, if you find yourself here, you have been touched by grief in some fashion, either personally or perhaps in your professional life, as a therapist and/or healer.
What if I told you, I could help you make sense of what you are going through, and teach you about the underlying neural mechanisms that keep you locked in what your brain experiences as rewarding patterns of grief, in only 8 hours, without having to talk in circles about your feelings?
In fact, you might even enjoy the process, tapping into your creative expression in a way you never thought you could.
If you’re intrigued, and ready to become a creator of your life, rather than just a survivor of it, I’d like to tell you more about my 8-day e-course, HEALING COMPLICATED GRIEF WITH CREATIVE ARTS THERAPIES…
This 8-day e-course offers a treatment protocol for the use of creative arts therapies with complicated grief, developed and examined through the frame of mindfulness, attachment theory and recovery. Eight mindfulness-based creative arts therapies interventions are offered as a way to experientially explore these topics, and assist in treatment plan development.
Each of the eight creative arts therapies interventions explored in this protocol are based on evidence-based practices in art therapy and relevant psychotherapies. The purpose and rationale for each activity is also examined.
Lesson topics include:
Lesson Topics Include…
1. SIX MYTHS: Go from following bad advice to being able to discern what is true for your own unique experience of grief.
2. DEDICATION AND FOUR CORNERSTONE QUESTIONS: Go from being swamped by overwhelming, often punishing feelings, to dialoguing with them in a collaborative effort, progressing towards recovery.
3. SHORT-TERM ESCAPES: Move from being enslaved by compulsory escapes, to taking charge of your healing process.
4. HISTORY OF LOSS: Go from being controlled by an all pervasive suffering, to being consciously aware of its origins.
5. BODY AND MIND: Go from being imprisoned by limiting beliefs about deservedness and worthiness tied up in your grief, to shedding those self-fulfilling prophecies and opening up again to the possibility for peace and joy in your life.
6. LOVE AND SPIRIT: Go from obsessing over the lost, to re-contextualizing and re-engaging with relationships that are on-going in your life.
7. FORGIVENESS: Takes you from feeling isolated and alone with your pain, to feeling connected and as if your pain has purpose and meaning.
8. TRANSCENDENCE: Breathes life back into the Heart Chakra, tapping into your soul’s firelight, transforming a dim candle into a roaring flame.
If you are ready to step back into your life again as a creator of it, rather than as a survivor of it—this course is right for you!
You will also receive…
These materials will be released once a day for 8 days until all content has been made available. And you will have lifetime access to it!
Participants of this course will be able to identify the following on a brief, multiple choice learning assessment and quiz:
- Identify the correct descriptions of the reunion model and the detachment model for grief.
- Identify the definition of “spiritual bypassing.”
- Identify at least two mindfulness-based, creative arts therapies interventions for working with complicated grief.
- Identify at least two myths about grief.
- Identify two ways in which complicated grief differs from depression.
Once you have purchased the course, you will have access to all materials, for all time!
If you are interested in continuing education contact hours…
This course is currently offering 8 self-study, continuing education contact hours, for Licensed Creative Arts Therapists in New York State.
In order to obtain these contact hours you will need:
- To complete all Lesson modules (there is a tracking system that monitors if you watched all lectures to their completion and opened all lesson modules, etc.).
- To complete a course evaluation through Survey Monkey.
- To complete a graded learning assessment (you must answer at least 75% of the questions correctly; this score will trigger the release of your certificate by email).
A reminder about self-study and continuing education:
For LCATs in New York State, a self-study course can only equal 1/3 of the required contact hours for your license renewal. So, if your license renews in three years, you will require 36 continuing education contact hours, thus a maximum of 12 of those hours can be self-study. The rest of your contact hours must be live events. This includes online webinars, which CreativeArtsTherapiesOnline.com will be offering on a monthly basis, starting in February of 2017. All enrolled students will be updated on new live and self-study course launches. So keep an eye out for our newsletter!
If you have any problems or technical difficulties, please contact Briana MacWilliam at [email protected].
CreativeArtsTherapiesOnline.com is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for Licensed Creative Arts Therapists. (#CAT-0014.)
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