I used to feel stuck with clients, treating the same symptoms session after session, but seeing little progress. Does this sound like you?
I was spending my days seeing client after client, and they were all anxious, panic-attack prone or just unable to cope with stress. I was of no help. I was stuck in a rut treating symptoms; focusing on what was wrong rather than treating them as an individual and reinforcing what was right.
And then I found Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)…
Desperate to find something better for myself and my clients, I walked into a meditation class with an amazing, dynamic and confident teacher. After one session, I was more energetic, better able to cope, and found myself more attentive with my clients.
This caring and incredible instructor was Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of MBSR.
That was 30 years ago, and since then, along with the help of Jon Kabat-Zinn, I have been able to transform my life and my practice using the very principles I discovered at that meditation class. I became an instructor alongside Jon, started my own practice, and was beginning to see incredible treatment outcomes with my clients. Incorporating MBSR into my sessions re-energized me and made me more confident in myself and my clinical work.
This evidence-based approach changed my life and has changed the lives of many of my clients. Now I want to share these strategies with you because I know that this work will transform the psychic and physical pain in your clients’ lives.
These tools are powerful and simple, and you can immediately start incorporating them into your practice to give your clients the skills to live in the present and put stress and pain behind them.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction: An Intensive Online Course
Experience Mindfulness on a deeper level with Elana Rosenbaum, former student of Jon Kabat-Zinn. Through 12+ hours of video, you will learn how to help your clients live in the present and put stress and pain behind them through the proven steps and techniques of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, one of the most recognized forms of Mindfulness practice.
Course Outline
Foundational Principles
- The Origin of MBSR
- Goals and Principles
- Populations Served
- Assessment and Orientation
- MBSR Ground Rules
- Teacher competencies
The Curriculum—Themes
- Class 1-3 Grounding Mindfulness in the Body
- Class 4-5 Stress Reaction versus Response
- Class 6-7 Communication and Interpersonal Mindfulness
- Class 8 Summation and Bringing Mindfulness Home
- All Day Session
Establishing Mindfulness Practices
- Defining Mindfulness
- Introducing Mindfulness Experientially and Verbally
- 7 Essential Attitudes in Establishing Mindfulness
Establishing Intention and Commitment to Practice
- Language —Using Gerunds and the Vernacular
- Leading an Awareness Exercise: The Raisin
Guidance in Formal Mindfulness Practices
- The Body Scan
- The Sitting Meditation with Awareness of Breath
- Yoga
- Walking Meditation
- Loving-Kindness Meditation
- Practice in Leading a Mindfulness
- Meditation
Applying Mindfulness to Daily Life Creating Home Practices
- Use of Homework
- The S.T.O.P.
- The Three Minute Breathing Space
- Awareness Exercises
Clinical Issues: Working with Difficulties
- The Process of Inquiry including Role
- Playing and Practice in Inquiry
- Working with Feeling
- Working with Pain and Stress
- Working with Anxiety and Panic
- Application of Neuro-Science Research
Adaptations of MBSR for:
- Depression
- Addictions
- Trauma
- Children and Adolescents
Inter-personal Mindfulness and Communication
- Akido for MBSR
- Use of Dyads
- Group Process
- Interface with Psychotherapy