Shit Test Encyclopedia and Bonuses – Brent Smith
I find it rather amusing a lot of guys don’t believe girls pull “shit tests” on them.
They must be blind.
In my world, it’s impossible to believe girls, no matter how fugly, DON’T pull shit tests on guys.
ESPECIALLY IF the the girl is attracted to them.
That’s right. The more they like you, the more you get shit tested.
It’s in their female genetic wiring, all the way till the day you stick it in.
Let’s be clear…
A shit test is when a woman tests you to see if you’re man enough to handle her.
She plays these little games. Comes up with silly little situations.
Says absolutely the craziest shit I’ve ever heard.
All in hopes you say something back that…instead of complying, supplicating and basically being a pussy…
you will put her in her place and
rock her world!
Consciously and unconsciously, she does this. She can’t help it.
I believe in her primal female soul, she does these things because she wants you to club her, pull her by the hair back to your cave and f^ck her brains out!
No matter what she says in public, THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS.
The side eye and wry smile after you’ve f^cked like monkeys is all you need to know, to know what I’m saying is the absolute truth.
Don’t believe me? Take a gander…
Now, don’t tell me I’m just imagining things when a woman pulls this kinda Sh!t 🙂
Because they all do it. Either consciously or unconsciously.
The only question is…
How Should You Respond?
- Do you respond by being a pussy and supplicating to her desires?
- Do you walk away defeated and dejected with your tail between your legs?
- Do you offer some lame-ass response that lands like a feather?
- Or do you verbally bitch slap her with the funny and creative flair of a Vegas comedian?
Now let me say this…
I know why you put up with her shit tests. There’s a simple psychology behind your responses.
You’re needy!
You see, what you have to realize is there are 2 ways to behave around women.
There’s dreaded boyfriend behavior
and then there’s
Get-her-into-bed behavior
And the mistake that guys make is that they display far too many boyfriend behaviors.
She’s verbally bitch slapping YOU. Taking advantage of you, your desires as a man and your good intentions.
When it should be the other way around. Amirite?

“I used to be the same exact way”
My name is Brent Smith, Founder of Brent Smith Lifestyle.
We’re a boutique lifestyle curation firm for the affluent man.
For the past 15 years, I’ve been helping men from all walks of life develop meaningful relationships with beautiful women.
When it comes to shit tests and other challenges of relating with gorgeous women, I wised up early on.
I was onto their wiley ways.
Now when it comes to responding to a woman’s shit tests? I AM KING. And I want you to be king too.
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