Speed Seduction 3.0 (CD Version) – Ross Jefferies
Speed Seduction 3.0
Ross Jeffries just released Speed Seduction 3.0.
Yep, you can get it now
Otherwise, here’s some more info from Ross regarding Speed Seduction 3.0 and the launch…
Here are the nuts and bolts of Speed Seduction 3.0 and what I’m offering:
The Deluxe Speed Seduction 3.0 Course
This consists of 7 DVDs, 11 CDS (the complete, unedited seminar), a 200 plus page PDF download, plus 4 Bonus DVDS: Ross Jeffries Speed Life 2006. These are 4 DVDs that you will never again see anywhere else; the very last Speed Life seminar I ever taught. See me at my best on persuasion, personal change, and seduction.
The Basic Speed Seduction 3.0 Course
This is the most basic option, just the 7 DVDS.
What you are about to learn is this: the first 100 people who order the Deluxe or Basic Speed Seduction 3.0 course will get a special early sign up bonus, 3 CDS of me guest-teaching an advanced hypnosis seminar. You’ll hear me teach about how the everyday constructs that comprise our sense of self in the world are actually the by-products of social hypnotic programming and how we can program others by reach behind and taking hold of these fundamental subjective building blocks of reality.
I will NEVER sell these or make them available, ever again, so be sure you are one of the first 100 to grab your Basic or Deluxe Speed Seduction 3.0 course.
Unconditional Guarantee
As with all of my courses and programs, Speed Seduction 3.0 is fully guaranteed for your complete satisfaction. If you don’t agree it is a quantum leap over my previous programs, and far and away the best seduction program offered anywhere, return it within 90 days for a full refund, less postage and handing, no questions asked.
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