The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp Fall 2014 – Lorrie Morgan Ferrero
The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp Fall 2014
“SHE” Is The New “WE”
From: Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero
Date: Monday 11:11 AM
Hi there,
We’re all one big global family now. And what used to work in sales for decades has shifted…DRAMATICALLY. Forget about the bullying, false promises and hype. That was the past.
Today consumers want connection and caring. (Hey, that applies to women AND men!) But how do you add that ingredient to your OWN marketing messages?
So many entrepreneurs I know freeze up at the thought of writing emotional direct response copy. I can’t blame them really. A lot of the copy I see on the Internet and in print is over-the-top, bordering on out-of-integrity.
People I talk to HATE the long sales letters.
They HATE the hype-filled language.
They HATE feeling as if they have to pressure someone to buy.
I totally get it! But don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater! The truth is long-form sales letters have worked for some time now. Whether you present your copy in one traditional, long column or the more modern rendition of breaking your message up into a few tabs on a website, the foundation must be created first.
It’s easy when you have a SYSTEM.
Copy doesn’t have to be cold, impersonal, and pushy. AND it doesn’t have to be hard to write!
You Can Make MUCH More Money WITHOUT Spending It on Ineffective Marketing
I’m Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero of Red Hot Copy, and I’m known for my fun and easy methods to write relationship-building copy that appeals particularly to women and heart-centered entrepreneurs (while NOT alienating men!)…
I’ve been teaching copywriting from novices to experts online since 2003. It’s a whole new world out there with fast-changing technology and super savvy consumers. And if you haven’t noticed, the market to reach has changed too.
It used to be that masculine, testosteronal driven marketing worked like gangbusters to sell, sell, sell. No more. That’s because it’s the WOMEN who make 85% of the buying decisions…across almost EVERY BRAND!
(Yes, even the ones you wouldn’t think of like sporting merchandise, motorcycles, SUVs, real estate, electronics, even handguns!) Women are leading the way with their wallets.
And women want to be treated differently! In fact they demand it or they simply go play in someone else’s sandbox.
Regardless of your gender, there are subtle, but CRITICAL differences between how men and women make their buying decisions…differences that can mean losing or gaining massively more sales.
In Case You Didn’t Think Of This…
Women Buy For Their Families, Friends & Households
It’s true! Women are very loyal customers once they’ve committed. But more than that…they are creating new loyal buyers in their own families and inner circles.
I remember wracking my brain one holiday season over what gift to get my husband (the man who has everything). I ended up dropping a huge wad of cash at the Harley Davidson motorcycle store (you know, the ultimate testosteronal boy toy).
Personally I don’t have any interest in ever driving my own Harley (though plenty of women love them). I’m fine with being chick hanging on the back.
Still, I’m a very good customer to them. Why? Because not only do they have things that make my man happy, but they have cute clothes for women (seriously).
Plus they have private trainings for women to teach them how to be a good driver & have fun on their motorcycles. (That means more sales!) Harley gets it! They know how to market to both men AND women.
And that’s the real trick, isn’t it? So many businesses ONLY market to men because they don’t see the bigger picture. Capiche? I’m here to tell you that can be a critical BLINDSPOT, causing you to hemorrhage cash!
Nothing against you guys, but if you STILL don’t consider the spending wallop women have on the economy, check out these stats…
- Women are burning up the keyboards with 58% of all total online spending (woo hoo!)
- Nearly half of women surveyed by Marketing to Moms Coalition in 2009 say that marketers don’t understand them.
- The average American woman is expected to EARN MORE than the average American male by 2028
- Women open more than 70% of all new businesses
- Even though many households are dual paycheck, women still spend 80% of both COMBINED incomes
- Girlfriends are golden and loyal – nearly 92% pass along information about deals or finds
Still need convincing?
- Women influence 91% of all home purchases…
- Women make 70% of all travel decisions…
- Women spend over $200 billion on new cars & maintenance each year…
Clearly women are in the driver’s seat. (Ooh, I know…bad pun!) The truth is though that women are definitely a force in the global economy, and they like to be approached a little differently they have been by marketers.
With numbers like these, it’s time to focus on what SHE is interested in.
Wouldn’t knowing WHAT TO SAY and HOW TO SAY it in your marketing so you reach more women (and even more men) be useful to your business? Of course it would!
Now Your Message Can Reflect YOU Instead Of Cold, Impersonal Hype…
Now more than ever, there’s much more to marketing and communicating. It’s all about long-term relationships, not a “one night stand” kind of customer. And it pains me to see so many entrepreneurs make simple mistakes that are deadly to their profits. With that in mind, I’ve created a Video/Webinar workshop using the latest findings in marketing and communication. It’s called “The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp.”
Does it work on women? You betcha!
Does it work on men too? Actually, it DOES!
This training is destined to be ground-breaking for your business. You don’t have to wade through reams of unnecessary copy to be effective. Now you can write powerful short-form copy that appeals to the women of the world who are juggling career, family, and health every day.
Let me show you ways to get your marketing message down to a sound byte you can duplicate in all of your copy so you naturally explain what you do and how you can help. No more stiff, wooden copy for you!
In this course you quickly understand:
- How to write using a formula that is effortless and easy (I confess. I follow a specific blueprint that has gotten my copy in the limelight in a relatively short period of time and I’m going to hand it all over to YOU);
- How beginners are able to compete with experts on a level playing field right away (when you have the right tools at your fingertips, you, too, can be a superstar);
- How a single tiny change to your sales letter can send your shopping cart into overdrive with new orders (better be sure you have called your merchant account before you launch your copy because you’re about to get a SPIKE in sales);
- How to get a repeatable result when you follow my method for writing a sales letter (I boiled the volumes of information overkill on this topic into the best of the best techniques you can apply right away);
- The truth behind what makes your copy “okay” versus what makes it sell like hotcakes to your target market (you may be shocked by some of the ugly secrets I’m giving up. I’ve seen it all, and I’m telling!)
As you can see, this is a powerful skill for turning your biz into a profit-churning machine. Wanna know a little more about what’s inside? Keep reading…
Here’s How The Bootcamp Works…
We’ll be meeting weekly via online webinars (which are all recorded in case you need to miss or want to review the material again).
To get the most out of this course, you should plan to invest time for the 90 minute calls plus 1-2 hours per week for outside work. In between classes, you’ll get to interact with other members of the Bootcamp and me in our private Facebook group. There is also an online classroom so you can easily find any necessary downloads and unannounced bonuses.
During these 8 weeks of classes you’ll be taught my award-winning copywriting formula. There is nothing left to chance or writer’s block. Once you learn my formula once, it will never leave you. You’ll be able to create your own copy effortlessly for any project.
Very powerful!
Here are Details About Each of the PROFIT-GENERATING Modules for
“The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp-Fall 2014″
Module 1 –
“Gender Benders: Masculine Versus Feminine Copy”
Sure, women are making the lion’s share of the buying decisions now, but where do the men fit in? Allow me to explain how the latest trends of the 21st Century affect your copy and your marketing, regardless of which gender you THINK you’re marketing too. If you’re like me and want to know what makes humans tick, you’re going to love this module.
Come on by and discover…
- Myths about marketing to women and how to conquer them – (psst! even women sometimes fall into these traps);
- How to banish that used car salesman style from your copy – (there is a place for hype-filled copy but not with women);
- The avoidable mistake so many marketers make when trying to appeal to the female market – (hint: If your copy is TOO SOFT you won’t get attention);
- The secret ‘girl’ code all women know when they trust their intuition – (but seldom speak about out loud…even to each other);
- The marketing taboos that make her click away in seconds flat – (if you wanna lose her, this is how you do it)
Module 2 –
“Insider Secrets to Research and Target Marketing”
After over a decade of rubbing shoulders with some of the top marketers in the business and sharing secrets with other copywriters, I was shocked to discover that research was a somewhat overlooked area for many (not all, but more than I would have thought).
It’s impossible to hit a target if you don’t know what you’re looking for. But you won’t have any problems when I unleash my super sleuth ways on deep target market hunting. (Remember I have a journalism degree and investigation is my middle name!)
In this module you get…
- What background materials you must have before you write a single word of copy – (sadly most business owners I know don’t spend enough time in this phase);
- The hush-hush resources you can use to learn more about her – (she’ll think you’re practically reading her mind);
- Exactly where to go to spy on your competition – (and why you MUST not ignore this step);
- How to get your copy to sound natural and conversational so she feels she knows you – (trust is a huge value for women you must not underestimate);
- Ways to get her to dish about what she really wants to spend her money on – (when you understand her spending priorities you can make more sales)
Module 3 –
“Step-by-Step Formula for Connecting with Her Desires Through Benefits”
Mark Twain once said “There are two reasons a man buys anything…the reason he tells his wife, and the REAL REASON.” What he meant was that (regardless of gender), humans buy based on emotion and justify it later with twisted facts.
In this module I’ll be your guide to show you how to harness passion and turn them into sales. You’ll discover…
- The real difference between a FEATURE and a BENEFIT – (this extremely common mistake turns your copy into a snooze-fest when it’s made);
- My proven formula to turning phrases into benefit-driven statements that attract attention – (women buy based on how we believe a product will make us FEEL);
- The use of psychological hot buttons and mental gymnastics that hypnotize her into buying – (your copy will practically put her in a buying trance);
- How to anticipate her objections BEFORE she reads a word of your copy – (she’s already looking for reasons NOT to buy from you so be sure you understand her thinking);
- Which EMOTIONAL WORDS entice women to buy from you – while NOT “selling” them (I’ll share my private checklist with you)
Module 4 –
“The No-Fail Recipe for Head-Turning Bullets”
Bullets are one powerful little bits of information that can be repurposed for all sorts of copy. They work well because they are so condensed and packed with emotion. In this module I’ll show you…
- The easy way to create bullets you can use in multiple media – (write ‘em once and use ‘em in web copy, audio scripts, postcards, flyers…you name it);
- Ways to get her to trust you without stooping to hype and exaggeration – (blow the trust factor and she’s gone forever);
- How bullets can pack an extra wallop, create curiosity and entice her to buy – (understand the underpinnings of bullets so they’re incredibly readable);
- How to remind her of the benefits she’ll get from using your product or service – (often she’ll focus on the bullets alone to make her buying decision);
- How making the right choices of punctuation and formatting bullets dramatically impact your copy – (with women, at least 25% of your copy’s success depends on formatting)
Module 5 –
“The Nuts and Bolts of How to Make Your Offer Irresistible”
It doesn’t matter how mouth-watering your copy is if you don’t know how to create an extraordinary offer.
I’m a life-long learner and marketing turns me on. So I stay current with the latest trends. In this module, I share real world tactics of what’s working in the marketplace today as well as what’s failing miserably.
In this module you’ll understand…
- How to get the maximum (ethical) price for whatever it is you are selling – (it’s very possible you’re UNDERCHARGING);
- Which psychological hot buttons and mental gymnastics practically hypnotize her into buying – (she won’t be able to get your message out of her head);
- When to NEVER ask for the order (yet I see people who should know better do it all the time);
- The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make to LOSE THE ORDER – (the sales process isn’t over until money changes hands and the product is delivered);
- An easy technique that makes her feel good about being in the decision-making driver’s seat – (all too often women feel strong-armed and end up leaving without placing an order)
Module 6 –
“The Art of Natural Storytelling: Adding the ‘You’ to Your Copy!”
Just because you can talk doesn’t mean you know how to tell a story. As an actress and dabbling screenwriter, I’ve taken many Hollywood classes on how to weave a compelling story…and I’m sharing my tricks with you!
Join me to discover…
- How to use storytelling to really bring FEATURES and BENEFITS to life – (People automatically put themselves in the story so they’re already ‘testing’ your product when you use the story device);
- How to LOWER SALES RESISTANCE and separate yourself from any other business in your marketplace – (women buy from those they bond with);
- How to get original ideas for your stories – (all stories are NOT equal);
- Tricks to sharing powerful, relevant stories that grab her interest – (there is an art to telling engaging stories that pull her into your copy);
- My copywriting trick to infusing personality in your marketing – (most biz owners have no idea how to do this and carry on too long, boring the prospect to tears)
Module 7 –
“Magnetic Headlines that Pull Her In and Keep Her There”
Arguably the most important combo of words in your copy, wouldn’t you agree? But they don’t happen by accident! Relax. With “The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp” it’s all under control…You don’t need to be a writer to write great headlines when you understand the basics. This module covers…
- Which words grab her attention in headlines – (and which to avoid at all costs);
- Headline templates for busy people to create no-brainer headlines that get her reading – (no more struggling for the perfect headline);
- Which fonts and colors are the most compelling to women and which REPEL her – (women respond much more visually to websites so you better know what she likes);
- My little insider secret that will have you writing captivating headlines in no time – (buckle up and hold on tight cuz you’re about to be a headline ninja!);
- Which headlines are more effective for your market – SHORT ONES or LONG ONES – (again, I’ll share my personal checklist with you)
You’ll quickly discover how changing a single word in your headline can put your sales in overdrive.
Module 8 –
“Putting It All Together! Listen, Watch, Cut Years Off Your Learning Curve!”
Here’s where the magic happens! Watch live as I deconstruct Old School copy and turn it into copy that speaks her language (while still appealing to the blokes).
This module covers…
- The most important elements to scrutinize in copy so you can transform those lessons to your own copy (I’m sharing exactly how I got so good at writing copy so quickly…and how you can too);
- The secret sauce my copywriting company uses to consistently create kick-butt sales letters (there’s nothing quite as powerful as seeing it done in front of you);
- How to create copy fast and easy to keep up with your ever changing business (my system has helped thousands of entrepreneurs attract big bucks already…yours is next);
- What works and what fails in today’s marketplace when it comes to the part of your business that most expresses you (amp up your copy and message effortlessly);
- Ridiculously simple ways to take the struggle out of writing copy (dare I say it? Writing copy can be FUN!)
This one-of-a-kind experience is where you see it all come together. It’s like you’re looking over my shoulder to see EXACTLY how a professional copywriter wrangles and shapes copy for success! This module alone is worth the price of admission!
Listen, if you’re ready to infuse your marketing with real change and firepower, this is the course for you. “The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp” will be a gamechanger for your business.
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