Salepage: _https://ebenpagantraining.com/product/creative-and-innovative/
Have you ever struggled to come up with new ideas?
Have you ever stared at a blank screen FOR HOURS, writing and rewriting, with nothing to show for it at the end of it all…
Have you ever tried working on a new project, creating a new promotion and couldn’t get anything good down for the life of you…
If so, the you’ve come to the right place.
In a moment, I’d like to show you how you could unlock 11 of the most effective psychological tools for getting into the creative headspace like a pro…
Once you learn and master these 11 techniques you’ll never again have to worry about searching ’aimlessly’ for new ideas or innovations…
You won’t be ‘throwing mud against the walls’ and hoping that something will stick…
You won’t be hoping, praying, or beating your head against the wall for great ideas to magically come to you…
Instead, you’ll have a set of proven formulas you can refer to generate creative and innovative ideas almost instantly…
Believe it or not, creativity will actually come EASY to you (almost without trying) because you will
have REWIRED your mind on a deep level to access your creative genius on instinct…
Who Am I
And Why You Should Listen To Me
Now before I get into the details, I’d like to tell you a little about myself and why you should listen to me when it comes to being creative and innovative specially in the realm of business and making money…
My name is Eben Pagan.
I’m the founder and CEO of 10 brands and businesses that I’ve grown to over 1 million dollars each. 4 of which to over 10 million.
Collectively I’ve sold over 100 million dollars worth of products and services online and I’ve helped my students sell even more.
The Ability To Create And Innovate Is No Longer
Optional For Success
If you think that creativity is only for the ‘creative folks’, then
you’ve got to get that out of your head now…
The world is changing fast both culturally and in the business and it’s forcing us to learn how to adapt, innovate, change, and create faster than ever just to keep up…
If you don’t know how to do consistently and intentionally create and innovate you will get left behind…
It’s always been like that, but it’ll happen even faster now at the pace in which the world is moving… (thanks to technology and the speed at which information spreads now)
Even in my personal life, I’ve found that one of the biggest factors to my success so far has been my ability to be creative and innovate consistently and on my own terms.
In other words, having the ability to get in the creative headspace and come up with winning ideas for my business when I want to, not when my mind feels like letting me…
I believe that this single ability has played a critical part in my business and personal success and will continue to do so for the rest of my life…
But here’s the thing, I’m not some super genius or anything like that… In fact, I didn’t even graduate high school…
I’m just a regular guy who has struggled with the same creativity blocks that plagues the best of us…
It was especially rough when I first got into business because I had to do everything myself… writing all the copy, creating all the products, designing my ads and websites… I felt drained all the time and many times I wouldn’t be able to come up with anything even when I had a deadline the next day!
Moments of inspiration were sporadic and unpredictable. Coming and going like a sputtering engine in desperate need of repair…
So I started reading everything I could about the creative process, innovation, and the psychology behind it… I studied the thoughts processes of some of history’s greatest thinkers and innovators… I sought out mentors and picked their brains…
And over time, I managed to gather, test, and filter down a list of about a dozen tools that I believe are the BEST techniques for harnessing your full creative powers and potential…
This simple set of formulas have proven INVALUABLE to me over the years and has directly resulted in some of my most profitable business ideas to date…
They are literally my ‘go-to frameworks’ anytime I need to get into a creative headspace or come up with new ideas…
I recently decided to compile them all inside a new program I call “How To Be Creative And Innovative”
How To Be Creative And Innovative
How To Be Creative And Innovative is a complete audio training program that teaches you how to consciously harness your creative abilities.
Inside you’ll learn a set of specific tools, techniques and frameworks you can use to get creative consistently and reliably.
These formulas have been time tested for years and they’re the same ones used by some of history’s greatest inventors, entrepreneurs, and visionaries… and in this program, I’m going to teach you how to use them to take control of your creative abilities for good.
What’s Inside The Program
6 full length audio training sessions unlocking your creativity consistently and reliably
Quick Reference Session Summaries so you can get all the key takeaways at a moment’s glance
Real world exercises to help you implement what you learn immediately
24/7 Lifetime Access Via Private Membership Site
Available for Immediate Online Streaming
Here’s a sneak peek of what
you’ll learn
11 proven formulas for accessing your creative genius on demand
The biggest mental blocks that prevent creativity and innovation (and how to overcome them)
Why most people are stuck ‘waiting for creativity’ to come to them and how to switch to making it consciously happen
How to combine and connect random elements together for major breakthroughs and innovation
The biggest misconceptions people have about creativity and innovation (if you think innovation and ‘newness’ is the same thing, then you’ll want to pay attention here)
A powerful NLP technique that forces you to think ‘outside of the box’ (when done right, this can lead to HUGE revelations and new ideas)
How Much Is One Good Idea Worth To You?
Let’s talk about the price of “How To Be Creative And Innovative”
The full program, with all 6 audio training sessions, session summaries, and exercises is only $197.
Now if you really think about it, that’s next to nothing compared to the value that you’re going to receive.
Think about it: How much is one good idea worth to your business? Maybe it’s for a product or an ad or a strategic move? $100? $1000? More?
And that’s just one idea. You’ll learn how to come up with dozens on the fly using the formulas in this program.
Here’s another way to think about it. How much time have you wasted in the past agonizing over writer’s block or some other form of (dare I say it) ‘creative constipation’?
Let’s be conservative and say that by using the techniques in this program, you save just 1 hour every time you work…
Even if you make just 20/hr, you’d pay for your investment in full within a week (and even faster if your time is worth more)
Can you see what an incredible ROI you’ll be getting from this program?