Website Ecommerce: Presentations That Pay – Eben Pagan
After about 20 years or so of studying what works and what doesn’t work to create predictable business success, I discovered that there a set of common skills that just keep showing up over and over in the repertoires of highly successful business people.
Now one of the the most upstream skills you can learn is the ability to make presentations that motivate and inspire people to buy.
By upstream I mean, when you learn this skill right, it will make so many of the other money and profit making skills in business easy and natural whether that be marketing, advertising, public relations, public speaking, negotiating, creating partnerships, winning contracts and so on…
The ability to sell and more importantly create structured presentations that motivate people is probably the most valuable skill you can learn when it comes to your business and financial success…
And that’s exactly what you’ll learn inside this program.
Program Details
‘Presentations That Pay’ is a complete audio training program that teaches you how to motivate and inspire prospects to buy from you.
The program is broken up into 6 high impact audio sessions that you can stream online any time.
It’s a 100% digital program, which means you’ll have access to all 6 sessions immediately after you order.
Who Is This Program For:
‘Presentations That Pay’ is designed for any individual who conducts in-person, 1-on-1 presentations to make a sale or generate a desired outcome.
Professional Salesman
Financial Advisors
People looking for investment
In short, if you are in a business or job that requires you to find, meet, and make a presentation to another individual to make a sale or create a desired result, then ‘Presentations That Sell’ is made for you.
Inside you’ll not only learn how to create compelling presentations that HOOK your audience in and persuade them to buy, but you’ll also learn how to find qualified prospects to make those presentations to in the first place.
What You’ll Learn:
Session 1: Foundation Business Skills
Discover why creating presentations that sell is one of the most critical, foundational business skills to learn when it comes to your financial success and wellbeing.
How to sell, persuade, and influence others in an 100% ethical, non-sales-ly way. (when you get this right, you’ll not only be MUCH more persuasive, but also feel good about what you’re doing)
The 3 Key Mindsets you must adopt if you ever want to be ‘naturally’ persuasive (think: “#1 salesman” persuasive)
The “Invisible Barrier” that prevents most people from making a sale (even if the customer is perfect for your product)
Why most people struggle to be consistently make sales (without overcoming this one ‘mental’ obstacle, you’ll always struggle to make the steady stream of sales you want and need)
How to overcome your limiting beliefs around selling and skyrocket your ability to influence and persuade
Session 2: How To Build Trust And Create Authority
Customers don’t like to buy, if they like and trust the person they’re buying from. If you’re prospective customer likes you and trust you and see you as an authority, they’ll be far more likely to buy from you.
How to make other people like you and trust you and help other people see you as an authority
A dead simple yet commonly overlooked factor that grabs attention and builds connection with others
A powerful NLP technique for changing the emotional mood and state of your audience, prospects, or customers
The one thing MUST do before you go into any presentation (ever get nervous before a sales presentation or speaking engagement? Use this simple technique to de-stress and make sure things go smoothly)
How ‘sync’ up with your prospects physically, emotionally, and intellectually to create trust and help the other person feel connected to you
The ‘Match and Mirror’ technique to create instant rapport (look out for posture gesture eye contact, voice
Session 3: Understanding Your Prospective Customer
In session 3, you’re going to learn why understanding your prospective customer is the KEY to them paying you and buying from you.
5 specific questions you can use to dig up your prospects fears and frustrations… even if they seem closed off or shy (you’ll get the word for word scripts for each question to guarantee you get it right)
The single most important idea you can ever learn when it comes to understanding and connecting with your customer (according to the founder a multiple 9-figure information publishing and training company)
Why most people are willing to share much more openly in a sales presentation than in real life (and how to structure your presentation in a way that gets them to relax, open up, and share their thoughts freely)
Why doing something that’s normally ‘offensive’ in real life will actually explode the number of sales you make
How to naturally unlock your prospects deepest desires and darkest fears without sounding weird or out of line (when you do this right, not only will it seem completely natural, but you’re prospect will actually WANT to tell you)
How to systematically identify the emotional hot buttons and anchors that drive your prospects buying behavior
How to get your prospect to tell you exactly how to sell them (Many times all it takes is just this one powerful 7 word phrase…)
The “Developing Needs” technique for digging past the superficial answers your prospect gives you and uncovering what REALLY gets their heart racing and blood boiling
Session 4: How To Find “Buy Buttons”
In this session, you’re going to dig even deeper into understanding your prospect or customer. While the previous session focuses more on uncovering your prospect’s fears and pain points, this session shows you how to find out what they DO want.
How to uncover your customer’s ‘Ultimate Scenario’ – The grand fantasy that they have and the specific outcome they desire (and how to use this to ‘pull’ your prospect to an immediate buying decision)
The “Emotional Value” Of Words – What it is and how to use your words deliberately to trigger certain emotions
How to “directionalize” the mind of your customer so you lead the direction
A common mistake many ‘rookie’ (and veteran) salespeople make (usually out of good intention)
Why being positive and inspiring during your sales presentation is not as motivating as you may think
Session 5: How To Make The Deal And Actually Get Paid
In this session, we are going to learn how to make the deal and actually get paid
Ever go all the way through a sales presentation and botch it up at the end?
How to consistently make the sale WITHOUT being manipulative, pushy, or sales-ly (I’ll show you how you can do it in an 100% professional, ethical way that’s still highly persuasive)
How to guarantee your prospect feels positive, excited, and happy to make the purchase so its a complete win win for both parties
“Closing The Deal” – Learn the step by step process for transitioning from “having a conversation” to “making the sale” (when done correctly, this is not only easy and natural, but also results in a sale being made and you getting paid virtually every time)
Why ‘pulling out all the closing techniques’ and ‘psychological tricks’ at the end of the sales presentation is a mistake
How to turn your close from an interaction between a buyer and a seller to a collaboration between two people who who just want to exchange value with each other
Where MOST of the money is made in business and sales (most people get this dead wrong and it costs them ALOT of money)
The “Real” goal of your sales presentation that will make you alot more money (hint: it’s not the sale)
How to ramp up your buyers motivation to the boiling point at the close (where they’re ready to buy whatever it is you’re selling)
Why giving your prospect more benefits about your product can actually hurt your sales and distract your customer
Discover the difference between ‘features, advantages, and benefits
How to ASK THEM TO BUY: Based on what you told me, the next step is… (exact script)
The “Alternate Close” – a style of assumptive close that dramatically increases your chances of getting a yes
Where so many would be successful salesman drop the ball at the end of the presentation
Session 6: How To Find Customers
The key to successful selling is having a steady stream of qualified prospective customers and having live appointments set
One of the big obstacles to going out and getting prospects is that we don’t want to intrude
How to find a steady stream of customers WITHOUT having to spend money
“Moving The Free Line – Why giving away MORE for free will actually bring you in more sales (this strategy is highly counter-intuitive but it works like magic if you do it right)
The “Highest Paid Activity” you can do in your business everyday
The single best time to look for prospect and find new customers
How to qualify your prospects without sounding rude. (The truth is, most people you talk to are not qualified to buy from you, don’t waste your time on prospects who will never buy)
How to answer the question “what do you do” in a way that grabs attention and helps you generate qualified leads on the spot
Delivery Method:
After your purchase, you’ll get access to the downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from Vinlearn.