Libertine + Bonuses 2.0 – Subliminal Club
We cracked the code, the one that no other subliminal producer could. We’ve created a subliminal title that quickly generates a powerful, profound and exceptionally effective sexually charged aura that attracts the most beautiful people that catches your eye. With just one loop (minimum) of Libertine Ultima, you’ll understand what it is to be a true libertine — an individual who effortlessly instills a sense of infinite lust in those around them and revels in all the carnal pleasures that this existence can bring.
We’re not going to give away the secret to how we achieved this, but when we handed Libertine over to our testers, the majority of them began experiencing profound results on day 1. The rest soon followed suit. They reported tales of passionate sex romps, rekindled physical relationships with significant others, people in stores clamoring to help them, and stories of being followed and admired by the most beautiful of people. Things you’d consider yarns if they didn’t come from individuals who had very little idea what they were testing.
One tester reported that a beautiful woman — who was with her boyfriend — followed him around a store while he shopped, popping up in random aisles for no other reason than to just admire him. Once he said hello, she giggled and took off like a giddy schoolgirl who had spoken to her crush for the first time. And this was TWO DAYS after his last loop of Libertine Ultima.
Libertine Ultima will also subtly adjust and enhance your body language and speech to assist with your seductive abilities. In every movement, a striking sensuality. Your gaze, laced with an intense primal sexuality, and the sweetest, most seductive poison will exist on the tips of your lips.
We recommend stacking Libertine with Sex & Seduction, Sex Mastery X, Primal Seduction (and PS: Iron Throne), Khan or a custom subliminal focused on sex. You can use it standalone, but keep in mind Libertine is a maximally aura based subliminal, which is dependent on your inner growth. Listening to Libertine alone will not result in much growth, and if you do not receive results with it, then you are missing inner growth and should listen to major titles.
You must take action. No subliminal will ever be a magic pill that will rain partners upon you. It all comes from inner growth. Put in the effort, go outside and meet people, be active on dating websites and applications, and Libertine will reward you and keep morphing your aura to best fit your sexual goals.
Libertine’s aura is designed to intensify and grow stronger with each loop. But, be careful — too much of it can be a bad thing. We recommend starting with a single loop for the first few days, then increasing to a maximum of three loops over time.
If you begin to experience any negative side effects, including extreme tiredness, discontinue use. Libertine (and all Ultima subs) works best with headphones. Since there’s an embedded ultrasonic subliminal, please be sure to play it at a reasonable volume. Discontinue use at the first sign of any ear pain or tinnitus.
It will create powerful active changes in you, your psyche, your conscious and subconscious minds and your body, that will allow you to feel what it’s like to have an extraordinary sexual presence, with an intense gracefulness hidden beneath each step.
Will you start walking the path of lust? If so, order now.
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