Rebirth: ReFrame Past Trauma – Subliminal Club
Rebirth will help you rise from the proverbial ashes, completely reborn and ready to take on the world. Rebirth urges your subconscious to cast away any preconceived notions of who you were in the past, and helps you create a new internal model of who you are and your place in the universe. With Rebirth, you will reframe your views with blinding speed, allowing you to sculpt your new identity with ease. Rebirth stacks well with ANY of our titles, and will greatly boost the results of your entire subliminal stack.
Rebirth will help create the perfect environment for you to achieve any inner changes you desire, and will to show you what you need to work on and how. Note, Rebirth can be an unforgiving taskmaster. Breaking yourself down and becoming reborn is no easy task, but in many times, it’s a necessary process to help you grow toward greatness.
Painful memories will lose all color, turn grey and fade away, as if they have happened to you in another reality. Negative emotions will fizzle out, losing their hold over you, giving you back your power. The influence of toxic people will disappear from your life.
Any and all negative beliefs that didn’t originate from your own mind will become obvious, allowing you to easily shed the shackles placed upon you by society. No longer will you need to suffer the pain of the past — you can now be reborn.
What would you do if you had the opportunity and the power to shape your beliefs and your innermost depths in any way you desire?
Are you ready to rise akin to a phoenix?
If so, order now.
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