Salepage: _https://ebenpagantraining.com/product/guru-bootcamp/
Get A Complete Foundation For Building And Growing A 6 to 7 Figure Information Product Business Online…
Would you like to learn how to quickly start a successful information product business online?
Or if you already have an existing information or coaching business…
Would you like to know how to quickly grow and scale your business to 6 or 7 figures in passive income?
Well you’ve come to the right place.
My name is Eben Pagan and I’m the founder and creator of over 10 different information products and publishing companies that I’ve built to over $1 million dollars online. 4 of them to over $10 million.
Collectively, I’ve sold about $100 million dollars worth of information products and services online to date and my businesses continue to thrive to this day.
Most importantly, I’ve taught tens of thousands of people around the world how to build successful information product businesses that gives them the freedom and flexibility that they want…
I’d like to give you the exact system that I used (and continue to use) to create highly successful, highly profitable information products, programs, and courses online.
If you are new to the business, I’d like to show you how to get started fast
If you already have an existing information product business, I’d like to show you how to systematically grow your business rapidly to over 6 to 7 figures online
I’d like to give you all the tools, the techniques, the systems…
…all the winning ad templates, the traffic strategies, and sales techniques I use to consistently:
Identify high profit potential niches and markets
Create profitable products and services guaranteed to succeed…
Attract floods on ongoing traffic
Rapidly grow my email lists
Sell effectively without being ‘sale-sy’
And more…
Information Is Now The Most Valuable
Commodity In The 21st Century
In today’s post industrial age, we humans are valuing knowledge more
and more and possessions less and less.
And just as electricity installed itself as the most valuable commodity a hundred years ago, information has now installed itself as the most valuable commodity in the modern world.
We’ve moved into what famed management guru, Peter Drucker, calls an “Information Society”.
In most first world countries, knowledge work has replaced manual labor as the primary form of labor.
Most people are now ‘knowledge workers’ and work more with their minds than they do with their hands.
We do things like accounting, consulting, computer programming, design work and millions of other things that are about using our minds to create value in the form of information, knowledge, methodologies, and systems.
Now because information is becoming more and more valuable, people are becoming more and more interested in acquiring more of it.
However, because of the internet and other advancements in technology, information is also becoming increasingly niched down and granular — which means people are also becoming very selective in the way they choose to consume their information.
It no longer makes sense for them to go and sit in on all the different rooms and classrooms that they would need to in order to get the knowledge they want.
They want to pick out the specific bits of information that they want to learn and in the order they want to learn it.
They want to get access to just the knowledge that they want, exactly when they want it, and in the format that they want.
E-Learning Is Now A
$165+ Billion Industry — And Growing!
As a result of changing trends, the E-Learning industry is now a $165+ billion per year industry — and all signs indicate that it’s going to continue to grow.
Needless to say, this presents a HUGE opportunity to capitalize, for those who know how.
In my own experience, I’ve been able to capitalize on various different segments of the e-learning and information publishing industry.
I started my first information product business writing a simple ebook on dating advice of all things…
I managed to take that ebook and turn it into a business that grew to over $30 million in sales.
Afterwards, I transitioned into other niches, other products and services, and now 10 years later I’ve sold well over $100 million worth of information products and services and trainings and coaching in over 10 different niches and businesses.
Are Information Businesses STILL
Good Business To Pursue?
Now a question I often get is, “Are info products, advice and training good businesses?”
In other words are they still good businesses?
Well… all of my research shows that they are.
Many signs point to the future growth of the information industry.
As one example, if you check the sales statistics on Amazon, you’ll find that ebook sales are now far higher than printed book sales.
And with the rise of all the different devices that allow us to carry many, many, many books on one device or access them online directly, this will lead to a lot more growth in the information industry.
With trends like this, along with my personal experience, I believe that the information industry of info products, advice and training will continue to be a great business long into the future.
A Step By Step System For Building A Successful 6 to 7 Figure Information Product Business That Gives You The Freedom And Flexibility That You Want
Guru Bootcamp is a complete foundational training program on how to
create a successful information product business online.
Inside, I’m going to teach you the exact system that I’ve used (and still use to this day) to start, build, and grow successful information products and information product businesses.
The program is broken down into 12 jam packed video training sessions to help you implement what you learn into the real world fast.