Salepage: _https://ebenpagantraining.com/product/guru-home-study/
If you had to make $5 million in your
business over the next 10 years,
how would you do it?
(And no, you can’t answer with anything that’s illegal!)
Maybe you’d play the lottery every day. Or you’d try to become best friends with Bill Gates or Richard Branson
I’ll give you my answer in a second, but first let’s dial it back a little….
Let’s say you needed an extra $10,000 next month. Maybe you needed it to pay for medical expenses or an awesome once-in-a-lifetime trip… or you wanted to cover a few months of living expenses while you looked for a different job.
If you had to get your hands on an extra $10,000 how would you get it?
Most coaches and consultants would scramble to try find the quickest way to “crack the code” of how to finally make money online with their business.
But the truth is, making 6 or even 7 figures online isn’t about finding one or two quick fixes…
In fact, there’s a PROVEN method for creating a highly profitable online business and I’m going to share it with you in just a moment.
(HINT: There are 3 proven areas your business must address if you’re going to be successful)
But first…
The One BIG Limitation To Charging
High Prices As A Coach Or Consultant
If you wanted to make that extra $10,000 a month, you could charge great prices in your business for coaching and consulting. But there’s one BIG limitation.
With traditional coaching and consulting, you can only work with one person at a time (or maybe a small group). This really limits your potential reach and income.
Which is why most of the top coaches and top consultants in the world take what they know and turn it into a valuable information product that can be sold to thousands, and sometimes millions of people, simultaneously.
It can take your coaching or consulting business, and your income, to a whole new level. In fact, many consider this the “Holy Grail” for a high-income coaching or consulting practice.
And it’s the only PROVEN way I know of to create a highly profitable online business that will work no matter what else is going on in the economy. In fact, it’s completely future proof.
That’s because “information” is one of the most valuable commodities and one of the best business opportunities possible.
(Last year information products was a multi-billion dollar industry)
And you don’t need tons of money to get started.
Many online businesses today like mine were started on a shoestring budget.
And you don’t even need “office space.”
But even after you have the perfect information product, you’d still have a long way to go turn your online business into a 6 or 7 figure venture.
That’s because…
Without EACH Of These 3 Key Elements
Your Online Business WILL Fail…
I’ve been teaching business and marketing to people around the world for over 10 years and the one thing I’ve seen consistently is that just having the right information product isn’t enough to succeed.
I discovered this in my own business as well, with a LOT of trial and error (and thousands of dollars spent).
Everything I’m about to share with you comes from the perspective of someone who created 50+ Information Products from scratch that have made my business millions of dollars.
And this information that I’m about to teach you comes from our 6 to 12 thousand dollar a year coaching program where I coach authors, speakers, coaches, entrepreneurs and we teach them how to grow successful information product publishing businesses.
There are actually 3 key pillars of a successful information product publishing business.
There’s your content pillar, there’s your conversion pillar and there’s your customer pillar.
1) Content Pillar
This is your products. It’s all of your videos, your audios, it’s the articles that you write. In other words, the content of the materials that you teach.
2) Conversion Pillar
Your conversion is all the spots in your business where you actually ask someone to take action. It’s where they opt-in and they convert on your landing page and they buy something to become a customer.
3) Customers
You have to attract customers and get them to come to you in the first place.
And if you don’t master each of these areas… Well, good luck
Creating And Marketing Your Information
To The World?
Better yet, what if I brought in some of the top marketing minds in the world along with me to show you how to create and sell your information products online in a way that will guarantee you’re successful?
Let me introduce you to my most advanced and in-depth training on how to package your knowledge or expertise into best-selling audios, videos, webinars, books, and other formats…
The same system I’ve used to in my businesses to sell $100 million in digital products…
I call it…
The Guru Home Study Course
This is, without a doubt, the most extensive training course available for both newbies and more experienced marketers who want to learn how to create, publish and sell Information Products online. Whatever your passion, you CAN turn yourself into a “Modern Guru.”
You’ll learn exactly how the top coaches and top consultants in the world create information products that can be sold to an unlimited audience, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Basically, the course has 3 major components based on the necessary pillars to a successful online business I described above:
How to create information products
How to create powerful marketing that turns interest into sales
How to promote your product on the Internet
It consists of FOUR INDIVIDUAL video training courses, each designed to show you how to do a key piece of your information product, your marketing, and your business growth.
These courses are all taught by me personally, along with some of the top marketing minds in the world – showing you how to create and sell your information product online.
The first course in this program is on how to package your knowledge and information, and create a high-value information product that people want to buy.
The second course teaches you how to create a website that sells your course, and converts a high percentage of the people who visit you into BUYERS.
The third course teaches you how to get traffic – using my systems and approaches.
The fourth course shows you how to manage your entire information product business to ensure its growth.
Each of these courses is a “complete” course consisting of 11 videos, each shot and edited professionally.
These courses were the exact training that members invested $24,000 EACH to be a part of. And yes, the information is that valuable.
Many of the “gurus” of the online teaching and marketing world were in this program originally (and many more were guest teachers – so you’ll see them in the course).
This is me pulling back the curtain, and showing you how I’ve built ten different brands and businesses to the $1 million mark (and four of them to the $10 million mark).
Everything You Need To
Create Killer Content:
Introduction to creating information products
The psychology of teaching and learning
How to sell value and NOT information
Communicating so people pay attention and stay engaged
How to create products that sell themselves
How to influence large groups of people
How to organise your ideas and products using frameworks
How to communicate with your audience authentically
How to write an ebook in just a few days
Secrets of lighting and shooting professional video
Real world content and product creation secrets
Everything You Need To
Get Prospects From Your Killer Content:
How to overcome your inner blocks to marketing conversion success
Getting your prospect to imagine themselves buying and using your product
The psychology of motivation and conversion and how to apply it
Creating your conversion story
How to relate everything back to the emotional need of your customer
Translating the value of your products and services
How to trigger your customer to buy
How to quickly create marketing that sells
Taking risk away so your customer can buy with confidence
Tactics for increasing your conversion
Conversion coaching — details that make the difference to conversions
Everything You Need To
Turn Those Prospects Into High-Priced Clients
How to build customer avatars to get your ideal clients
10x your results with the power of response marketing
How to create a magnetic message your clients can’t resist
Killer traffic ideas
How to design website and landing pages that really convert
Search engine marketing secrets the pros use
Core customer generating skills
Partnerships, endorsed marketing, affiliate marketing
How to get long-term proactive commitment from your clients
How to implement your system and success stories
So if you want to…
Spend less time working…
Make more money…
Help more people and make a bigger impact…
Spend more time with your family and doing what you love…
And make a huge leap forward in your business in the next 12 months…
You Must Treat Your Business As A Business
And NOT A Hobby!
To succeed in anything, you have to put time and effort into it. The Internet marketing industry is no different. Every single successful entrepreneur became top earners because they studied from the best. They educated themselves, and that doesn’t usually come free.
Bottom line, to become successful, you have to invest in YOURSELF!
Most likely, you are here because you want to build your training or coaching business… OR you want to add an “information” component to your current business to get more customers.
Imagine being able to go inside the minds of million dollar entrepreneurs to see ‘exactly’ how their information product businesses run and work on a day to day basis…
…how it makes its money… how it acquires new customers… how it turns a profit…
…then getting to apply these same systems and procedures to your own online business…
How much faster could you start & grow your business?
How much time would you save?
How much trial and error would you avoid?
Well that’s exactly what you’ll get when you…
Isn’t It Time For You To
Make A Big Leap In Your Business?
Sometimes, you just have to take the leap.
I remember when I wrote my first information product ebook…
I remember freaking out a little because I wasn’t sure what I was doing, who would buy it or what would happen next…
It ended up being one of the best decisions of my life and completely transformed my business forever.
And even though I didn’t feel ready for it and I was scared, I took a deep breath and took the leap…
And that’s what pushed me to take my business to the next level.
Is this the year that your online business “takes off” and you finally create the lifestyle you’ve always wanted?
I want to help you find out by providing you with the most extensive training course available for learning how to create, publish and sell Information Products online and turning into a highly profitable business.
This is the absolute best way to package up the knowledge you have, and offer it in the form of audio, video, webinars… books… and other formats.
Let’s explore together what your big leap forward is going to be.