Human trafficking, or modern-day slavery, is a growing problem. And no community is immune from it. As nurses, we have a duty to be knowledgeable regarding trauma informed care to victims of human trafficking. Learn how to identify risk factors, associated healthcare issues, comprehensive assessment and documentation, as well as the legalities involved. Actual patient case studies will be discussed to highlight some of the ways that nurses can intervene for these victims.
- Distinguish between the types of human trafficking.
- Differentiate between human trafficking and human smuggling.
- Analyze risk factors and associated healthcare issues associated with human trafficking victims.
- Construct a strategy for providing trauma informed care for victims of human trafficking and provision of resources.
- Synthesize applicable laws and mandated reporting requirements.
- The Growing Scope of Human Trafficking
- Types of Human Trafficking
- Related Laws
- Mandated Reporting
- Identification of Human Trafficking Victims
- Healthcare Provider Response
- Healthcare Provider and Patient Resources
- Actual Patient Case Studies
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